while i can understand and would agree to this statement from a perspective of religion, it must be remembered that while Zen is a form of Buddhism, the two terms are not interchangeable.
I am aware that Buddhism is a name for a type of religion and that there are 2 main; Theravada and Mahayana under that and that there are multiple type under those 2 . I am also aware that Zen (Japanese) is a Type of Buddhism that comes from Chan (Chinese) which comes from Mahayana Buddhism
there are many different flavors of Zen and the one i have come to know has a target audience of martial artists. the flavor is that of a warrior monk. so the two are not separate for me. but this is more in line as Zen as a practice and less as a religion although the line between the two is very fuzzy and very gray. if you have ever read Takuan's books and thoughts on swordsmanship that would give a good example.
You can also find examples in the book by Miyamoto Musashi too. And he was a swordsman not trained in the Rinzai school of Zen Buddhism like Takuan Sōhō. And no I have not read his book but I shall look for it. I am also aware that there were warrior monks but they trained in monasteries not Dojos. However since the east (Japan and China) do not compartmentalize things like we do in the west you will find things that can be associated with Zen in certain martial arts, however they are not taught as separate from the art they are all one in the same in those cases.
Also Zen Mountian monastary has regular workshops on different "Zen" arts like flower arranging, gardening, shodo and archery. i do belive martial arts were also there at one time. so this concept of Zen martial arts is not a strange idea.
I am also aware what Zen mountain has, thank you. And yes they did have a martial arts class there at one time, but then kyūdō is a martial art so…. But I am not sure they are, or were there for anything more than workshops, meaning not regularly taught there.
it would seem it is ok for a monastary to teach martial arts but not ok for a karate dojo to teach Zen in your view?
You completely misunderstood my view. It is ok for a monastery to teach martial arts and It is ok for a karate dojo to teach Zen as well, if it chooses to. However it is not ok for anyone to expect they learn Zen, Taoism, Shintoism or any other type of religion or spirituality in a Dojo, Guan or Dojang from the Sensei, Sifu or Sonseang-nim (not sure if that is the proper Korean tem for teacher).
maybe you have never heard of shoshin Nagamine coming from a Chinese backround but he was an okinawan master who was in the same Zen organization and linage as myself. he tought the two together in his dojo in okinawa.
Maybe you don’t know how much of the history of this stuff I have studied. But I will admit I never heard of Shōshin Nagamine and had to look him up. Is this the Shōshin Nagamine, born 15 July 1907 – 2 November 1997. If this is him I would not exactly say he had a Chinese background since he was in the 47th Infantry Division that fought in China. So I doubt anyone in China would call that a Chinese background or for that matter be pleased he was there. Now if there is more to it, and there very likely may be, I would like to know what that is.