Is the “HAWK System” Systema?


Green Belt
I’m going to be in North Carolina next month and just a little ways up 77 from this school:

Their class schedule only lists the “HAWK System.” Is this Systema or a new variation of it? If its different can someone tell me how so and what to expect? This is also the only listed Systema representative in NC on the website.
Looks like its a custom system he made up, based on Systema he has learned

In 2002, Mr. Stewart designed The H.A.W.K. System for law enforcement, military and protection professionals. This control and defense program is intended to fill a void in tactical training. Unlike many of its contemporaries, the H.A.W.K. system relies on natural and instinctual movements and focuses on resolving conflict with minimal force.

Probably just systema w/ his own twist :)

Hope you enjoy NC :)
Dean Stewart's backround is in Aikido. He has studdied with V Vasiliev and has studdied in Moscow with M. Ryabko. I have trained in NC with his group a few times and it was always a good experience and a real decent group of guys. The training I attended was Systema based ... I am not sure which direction HAWK has taken it, but I would imagine it is at least compatible and as others said, simply his interpretation. We all have one, ya know. My system (a) has some capoeira slipped in here and there, and a dash of old hybridized-aikido/kungfu.

If you are trainining in the Huntsville area I would recommend you check Dean out and ask him for yourself.

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