Is Obama trying to hurt America?


Lifetime Supporting Member
This article takes on the views of conservative Michael Medved, and argues that knowingly or not, President Obama is hurting the country with his policies.

As a 2012 political strategy, Medved’s final point is, as far as it goes, reasonable. However, the rest of his essay often argues against his thesis, which seems to be that Mr. Obama is not consciously trying to harm America and is a conventional American president and politician with conventional political goals and aspirations. If one assumes, for the sake of argument, that this is true — if Mr. Obama is, with the best intentions and with good will, pursuing policies that are manifestly harmful to America and Americans — the end result is the same. The matter of his motivations will doubtless be a ripe controversy for future historians, but will matter little to contemporary Americans, who will suffer regardless.

Consider then the following examples, not by any means an exhaustive list:

(1) Mr. Obama’s 2012 budget flies in the face of fiscal and political reality. Not only does it fail to actually cut spending, it dramatically increases spending — and the deficit — far into the future, while raising taxes, ignoring the entitlement crisis, and continuing the promulgation of policies that can have no result other than to destroy the creation of wealth, jobs, and the economy. America is broke, beyond broke, and the utter dissolution of our existing entitlements — not considering ObamaCare — is imminent. Unemployment is arguably at 10.3%; virtually every economic indicator is in the toilet. Any responsible president, any president for whom the welfare of the nation is his first concern, will not propose a budget that spends, now and into the future, far more money than America produces and can possibly take in or repay. Yet Mr. Obama wants to spend billions on projects like high-speed rail, a boondoggle the public neither wants nor needs.

(2) Since taking office, Mr. Obama has serially and crudely insulted our strongest and most faithful allies, such as Great Britain and Israel, while extending “outreach” to virtually every thuggish, repressive, anti-democratic regime on the planet. His repeated threats to establish yet another deadline when Iran violates the last have established only his impotence. Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons, and all Mr. Obama can do is threaten to trot out even more threatening rhetoric.

(5) One of the only constants in Mr. Obama’s foreign policy is a reflexive, mindless support for Marxist and/or Islamist despotism. Take the example of Honduras, where a Marxist president attempted to overthrow the Honduran Constitution and install himself as ruler for life. Adhering to the rule of law, the Hondurans threw him out of office and out of the country. Mr. Obama immediately sided with the Marxist, and has personally, and through the State Department, supported him against the Honduran rule of law ever since.
I ma sure it's more damaging than sending troops into 2 sovereign countries...
kissing up to Communist China (you know, human rights etc...just because they got the mula)
Naturally the deficit increases from the 8 years prior are all Obama's fault as well.
no, i dont think he is trying to "hurt" america

I have no doubt whatsoever that he wants to transform america from what it WAS into something else.

something decidedly socialistic and leftist.
Really, gentlemen, you need to seriously get a grip.

I occasionally show others the contents of these 'conservative' pages in the Study and if you heard the reactions you might reconsider, just a little, exactly who it is that is 'hurting' America's image on on the global stage. It's not your current President, tho' he (or his staff) is/are complete imbeciles when it comes to the Great Game. The chap who came before him (and his father before him) have a lot more to answer for ... so far ...

I do not in any stretch mean this to sound as insulting as it is going to, so please take no personal offence, but you are like children when it comes to politics.

As I may have said before, there is a reason why only a tiny number of non-American's ever post here ... and, no, that is not something to be proud of.
Mark, brother ilove you, but the day i give a hairy rats *** what europeans think, i will let you know.

seeing how JACKED UP greece, ireland, spain, the UK and france are getting, i think i will look for opinions about governance elsewhere.
and yeah, i AM offended, if we are such children, seek your help elsewhere next time putin decides to try the bad old days again, or there is an earthquake, or greece is on fire, or france is on fire, etc etc
:chuckles: Aye, on the economic catastrophy front that's a fair point, right enough :).
Christ are we going to drift back to the old If it wasn't for the United States the world would be....?
Then someone comes with yet another reply to that and everyone gets pissed off....
Great, lovely.
Someone find TEZ please, she likes this ****
i do have a taste for English Beer.....

ooops, thread drift.

here we go:

I dont think he considers it hurting America to try and turn it into something else.
The point of the article, though, is not wether he himself thinks he is hurting america, but wether or not he actually is. No offense intended twin fist, just trying an attempt to clarify the article, I could be wrong though.
No, he's not trying to hurt America. Like other politicians and presidents before him, the president has many friends that helped get him elected that require attention, for the common good, of course. Pharma, defense, insurance, oil, lawyers, big labor, finance, etc. are doing alright now. The huge increase in spending and new laws to support these industries help the citizens.
As I may have said before, there is a reason why only a tiny number of non-American's ever post here ... and, no, that is not something to be proud of.

I'm fine posting here, these peeps don't scare me off. :)

Besides they're nice. :)
Thanks Blade 96, you're nice too. We may not agree, and you think I'm odd, but that's no reason to not get along.