since im in highschool and pretty much decided that martial arts are gonna be my career i have plenty of free time to train lol... other then my 3 hours 3-4 days a week in my dojo i have my own wrokout and i wanted to see what you guys thought about it.. i usually start with a 10 min warmup, streching etc. and then i go on to lifting wieghts working around 6 (10 reps each set but alternating exercises every 2 sets ) sets of 4 different chest exercises, and 4 different shoulder and back exercises. NOw my weightlifting dont just consist of that i alternate everyday from chest shoulders back to my arms the next day to my legs but anyway after my weights i usually go 3 10 min rounds on a heavy bag, then thats followed by around a half hour of streching, i do this stuff everyday except for sundays and i thought it was ok because iw as switching the msucles i lifted weights on everyday.. what do you guys think?