Is Muay Thai Too Physically Taxing as I Age?

Is Muay Thai Too Physically Taxing as I Age?

I hope not !! .

I started MT at 39 ( and a bit ) , and just coming up to completeing my first year of training and I'm absolutely loving it and hope to continue for a long time .

Yeah I'm not as quick as the 20 somethings , but find I can still give them a shock every now and again . As said before the trick is to fight smarter as you get older .

Of course I won't be able to go on for ever , but when I can't keep up , I'll give up and try a "softer" style of MA .

Ageing discracefully , early .
My instructor is 43 and just fought in Thailand and won by KO. He is also fighting again in October.
Everyone thanks for the great posts! I've decided to start training in a combat self defense system. I will then compliment it with Western boxing.

