Is Michael guilty?

Joe...good points. I heard today that they apparently found "love letters" to the kid. That could be damning. They may have found a number of other things as well.

On a lighter side - has some interesting items to recommend for people buying MJ's latest CD:
Linky Poo

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* 1 person recommended At Folsom Prison [EXTRA TRACKS] [LIVE] [ORIGINAL RECORDING REMASTERED] in addition to Number Ones
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Oh, and by the way - -no jury will jury find him guilty.

O.J. , Durst, et al....

Can't think of too many parents who'd feel comfortable sending their kids to Neverland for an overnighter....
This one is going to be a hard one to call. Were he not such an oddball to begin with it'd be easier. The press has judged and hanged him already. This much is for sure. Innocent until proven guilty is supposed to be the law of the land.

The childlike innocence of Michael Jackson factor I have a hard time with. Here's the guy who was savvy enough to buy Northern Songs (most of the Lennon/McCartney output which guarantees him millions a year in royalties alone). The 3 mil payoff ten years ago doesn't help either. The differences between him and OJ - 1) He's certifyably odd and OJ was a sports hero and 2) child molestation and murder are in two very different ball parks.

The Dan-boy prediction is if the kid & family isn't bought off, MJ is going down.

Dan Anderson
I of course will give him the benefit of a trial before I say for sure that he is guilty....however, he's lookin' pretty damn guilty.

I don't think the DA would have raided the house of someone as wealthy and powerful as Jacko without having built up a strong case. I have to imagine that the DA has a lot of evidence in his bag of tricks to put Jacko away for a long time.

But...we'll see at the trial.

Without DNA or Jacko keeping some photo souvenirs it becomes a matter of kid said/Jacko said. There is a big jump from having probably cause getting an arrest warrant or indictment and convicting.

I wonder if Kobe sent MJ a big thank you card?