Is medical training important in self-defense?

Jared Traveler

2nd Black Belt
I posted on another thread about one of the cuttings I worked when I was a police officer. I worked in an active part of town when I was doing patrol. One night I worked 5 cuttings in a 10 hour shift. Lots of blood.

Anyways, I was wondering for those who specializes in knife attacks and defense, or weapons disarms, is medical training a mandatory component of being well rounded in your discipline?

Because I travel at times to places with either zero or very questionable medical facilities, medical is important to me. My whole family has completed the militaries TCCC program. I completed the additional Combat Provider course.

This was a significant investment, but it's a comfort to me that everyone can provide self-aid and buddy aid.

While training in triage, care under fire, rescue carries, tourniquet conversations, chest seals, needle decompressions, and tracheostomies, maybe be beyond what most people will learn, certainly basic "stop the bleeding" could be critical post event.

In my opinion any system focused on self-defense should at least include stop the bleeding and, treatment for shock. Probably a few rescue carries also.

What are your guys thoughts or experience regarding this?
I think it's very important, personally. We would have first aid seminars at least twice a year. Usually two or three nights long.

We'd hire the the instructors, out of pocket, and not charge the students but encourage them to come.(sometimes make them.)

We only used EMTs. To me, if there's an emergency, I want the EMTs to come save my worthless butt, nobody else.
I think it's very important, personally.
I agree, though I do not, regrettably, have nearly as much knowledge as I'd like. I know some senior black belts who have studied the physiology and injuries of MA combat. Back in historical times starting with the Chinese, medical training was an integral part of MA. I think it helped the martial artist to appreciate his martial skill and its potential lethality.
I think some basic first aid training is good idea, but don't think it's intrinsically linked to self defense. Of course, depends entirely on how you define that term.

How much training is a good idea will depend on how dangerous your life is, but having a violent job isn't really self defense, in my opinion. As a cop, sure these things may be helpful, but outside of being a cop, how often are you encountering this stuff? If it's pretty common, I think you have bigger opportunities than first aid.
Well yeah...especially if you're training with me.... I'm a BAD MAN!!!! :D

all kidding aside.... yes, first aide is always a good idea
I think it's very important, personally. We would have first aid seminars at least twice a year. Usually two or three nights long.

We'd hire the the instructors, out of pocket, and not charge the students but encourage them to come.(sometimes make them.)

We only used EMTs. To me, if there's an emergency, I want the EMTs to come save my worthless butt, nobody else.
I'm working on my EMT certification. I really just need to pass the written test at this point. But getting the certification feels like getting a black belt without earning it. I would want to spend some time riding an ambulance. I'm pretty solid on the truama injuries, but it's everything else that would trip me up.
I think some basic first aid training is good idea, but don't think it's intrinsically linked to self defense. Of course, depends entirely on how you define that term.

How much training is a good idea will depend on how dangerous your life is, but having a violent job isn't really self defense, in my opinion. As a cop, sure these things may be helpful, but outside of being a cop, how often are you encountering this stuff? If it's pretty common, I think you have bigger opportunities than first aid.
I think a car wreck is a common thing that could happen to anyone. But I understand what you are saying.
I'm working on my EMT certification. I really just need to pass the written test at this point. But getting the certification feels like getting a black belt without earning it. I would want to spend some time riding an ambulance. I'm pretty solid on the truama injuries, but it's everything else that would trip me up.
All the best of luck on your test, brother.

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