Is Aikido a martial art?

If that's how you think a guest should be treated, you are a poor quality human.
Awwww poor hussaf i didnt mean to hurt your little feelings buddy however If you come in already determined that the movements are ineffectually moving about then why bother even going? That neg attitude you have is pretty clear on an internet forum then Im sure its crystal clear to the members of the school so Id prob just thank you for coming and ask you to leave since you seem t have made up your mind already.
How many schools have you visited that treated you so bad?
Nice attitude. Real high level person. Keep that harmony and love alive. Seriously, who does personal attacks on an Internet forum?
Where did I say that Aikido doesn't test itself?
LOL do you even read what you type?
However, you have to understand the perspective I'm coming from. I'm coming from a martial art that constantly demonstrates its techniques on opponents trained and untrained in it. Its used against everyone from boxers to wrestlers with devastating effect. When it is demonstrated, it is done in a very practical method which is very hard to argue against.

Aikido simply doesn't do that.

Sure seems like your saying its not tested to me
I simply said that I have certain requirements to buy into the claims made by martial arts.
Aikido hasn't met those requirements, and the OP article gives an interesting theory as to why that is.
I have not seen anyone here making any claims about Aikido except you implying its not effective and "doesnt look real" to you.

And no where did I say it was.
Sure you did again try reading your posts
" I'm coming from a martial art that constantly demonstrates its techniques on opponents trained and untrained in it."
"I would like to invest time into learning? Not really because it doesn't look "real" to me."
Instead, all we have are stories, and folk tales about the masters of old performing these incredible feats of ability that somehow can't be re-created in the modern day. After listening to that stuff for years in karate, I'm done with it. I need more than stories of frail masters throwing body builders around like rag dolls, "
So not only did you bash Aikido but you took a shot at Karate in general

Well that's the problem isn't it? It's never recorded or verified. It's simply more tales of greatness and ability from days gone by with no proof whatsoever to show for it.
Sorry thats real life man I dont have a ring, cameras, lighting, camera men, time limits, rules, refs to save me, Im out in the real world with real bad guys that actually want to hurt or kill not just win a match. Your welcome to come ride around with me if you and see for yourself
is very similar to my experiences with modern Aikido.
Which is very little
Awwww poor hussaf i didnt mean to hurt your little feelings buddy however If you come in already determined that the movements are ineffectually moving about then why bother even going? That neg attitude you have is pretty clear on an internet forum then Im sure its crystal clear to the members of the school so Id prob just thank you for coming and ask you to leave since you seem t have made up your mind already.

And in my school we'd make him roll against the students in the class, or even the senior students if he so desired. If he beats us, then we would learn from Hussaf. If we beat him, maybe Hussaf is humbled and becomes a student. We wouldn't kick him out simply because he's a skeptic. This isn't a religion.

I would love it if Aikido took some of the attributes of its Judo and Bjj siblings. I think it would do the art a lot of good. However, that's just my opinion.
And in my school we'd make him roll against the students in the class, or even the senior students if he so desired. If he beats us, then we would learn from Hussaf. If we beat him, maybe Hussaf is humbled and becomes a student. We wouldn't kick him out simply because he's a skeptic. This isn't a religion.
Has nothing to do with being a skeptic it has to do with being disrepectful. you come inwith your mind made up then there is nothing I can teach you. You come in as a skeptc but with an open mind then thats totally different. I was a skeptic when I first went to an Aikido school but I kept an open mind.
I would love it if Aikido took some of the attributes of its Judo and Bjj siblings. I think it would do the art a lot of good. However, that's just my opinion.
You been to alot of Aikido schools to make that opinion huh?
And now back to a discussion on the OP and the article PLEASE

Sure I think what the article was saying is what some try to pass of as Aikido isn't the Aikido he was taught. It wasn't the Aikido that was 1st taught to the masses. I think you can find bad examples of every style out there. You can find people teaching something they call XYZ that has little resembliance to what others consider XYZ. So does that mean the style is bad or that school is bad?
Over the years Aikido became more and more less violent in the way it was taught and some of the original techniques where not shown as often. The whole mental state of the founder changed over time and as it did his teachings changed, thus what was taught after was changed because the students where not influenced by his former attitude.
Over the years Aikido became more and more less violent in the way it was taught and some of the original techniques where not shown as often. The whole mental state of the founder changed over time and as it did his teachings changed, thus what was taught after was changed because the students where not influenced by his former attitude.

Prime example;

Quite a big change from the "hell dojo" years.
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