Iron Maiden fans, recommendations?

Flying Crane

Sr. Grandmaster
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
San Francisco
I've been a bit of an Iron Maiden fan since high school, tho I've been rather stuck in their earlier works. Seventh Son of a Seventh Son is really the latest of their work that I was familiar with, along with everything earlier than this.

I did check out Fear of the Dark, but wasn't so impressed with it.

A while back I picked up Brave New World, and that's a pretty good one.

I see they've come out with a good deal of material since Seventh Son. Could anyone make some recommendations on this stuff? Any that you feel were particularly good, or any I might want to avoid?

Maiden has a ton of good stuff that came out later...especially after Dickensen came back. Check out some of the greatest hit cds or get on a music sharing site and buy a few somes from some of the albums. It's all good.
Sorry mate.

The first two albums were the best with "Number of the Beast" also okay. After that, altho' noone can fault the musicianship or enthusiasm, it all became a little too 'theatrical'.

Oh and for perspective, this is from a chap who saw them playing live before they even had an album out and saw them on both the "Iron maiden" and "Killers" tours.
I enjoy all of their earlier stuff , Seventh Son, Somewhere in time, Number of the beast, all the classics, from Fear of the Dark and on is ehhhh , not that great , but the classics rule.
I'm starting to get into Dance of Death (think that's the title)
The Early Years DVD is worth getting if you like the first two albums. The latest studio album(CD) A Matter of Life & Death is good as well.
Any of the live albums are worth it. From the intro to Rime of the Ancient Mariner on Live after Death: "And the moral of the story is, this is what not to do if a bird ***** on you..." :lol:
I'm thinking about petitioning the Hawaiian government. I want them to change their tsunami warning sirens so that they played "Run to the Hills."

The chorus says it all!
I've been a bit of an Iron Maiden fan since high school, tho I've been rather stuck in their earlier works. Seventh Son of a Seventh Son is really the latest of their work that I was familiar with, along with everything earlier than this.

I did check out Fear of the Dark, but wasn't so impressed with it.

A while back I picked up Brave New World, and that's a pretty good one.

I see they've come out with a good deal of material since Seventh Son. Could anyone make some recommendations on this stuff? Any that you feel were particularly good, or any I might want to avoid?

Hey Michael :) sorry but for me the Maiden have just kind of hit the wall now. I just think I have heard it all before.. Bruce is still the man though. Sacrilege I know, but I would go with Trivium or somebody else instead :( sorry.. Jenna :)
I'm thinking about petitioning the Hawaiian government. I want them to change their tsunami warning sirens so that they played "Run to the Hills."

The chorus says it all!
Did you ever hear this
?? I actually quite like it (I would maybe be a fan of Parisienne Walkways more though) and but the chorus of this is a total rip-off of Run To The Hills.. have a listen.. oh, sorry OP for the tangent.. :) J
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Hey Michael :) sorry but for me the Maiden have just kind of hit the wall now. I just think I have heard it all before.. Bruce is still the man though. Sacrilege I know, but I would go with Trivium or somebody else instead :( sorry.. Jenna :)

I understand your point. When Fear of the Dark came out, I was fairly disappointed. I think someone had left the band, was it Bruce or one of the guitarists? I don't remember. So I kind of drifted away from paying attention to the new stuff.

Now, a bunch of years have gone by and I suddenly realize they have quite a bit more stuff that I wasn't aware of. I do like Brave New World, I'd like to try out some more new stuff but I want to avoid disappointments like Fear of the Dark.

Sometimes bands go into a new phase or something and it just doesn't speak to you the way it used to. For others, it can be the opposite.

Thanks for the thoughts.
Brave New World was an awesome tour. I got to see them at MSG (first American show of the tour) with Queensryche and Halford opening.