Iron fist results

That's exactly what it does. For people who have a problem with bending the wrist when punching a heavy bag. Knuckle push ups will fix that issue.

I do knuckle push ups on soft surfaces, gym mats or grass so I can punch into the ground or mat. It's mainly a wrist strengthening exercise for me. The Art of Keeping my Wrist straight.

long ago, we used 2 US army duffle bags filled with sand and small rock at the bottom...supported by a chain attached to a steel beam,,,

The bag must have weighed around 300 lb 136 kg,,,the fabric was very corse canvas...
One soon learned what would happen if punched off center.or the body structure was not correct.

People would laugh when someone made a mistake, the usual comments @#$& ! followed with stopping, to survey the damage.
resume again if possible. šŸ˜‚ lesson learned.

Still have slight calluses, on the 2nd knuckles from practicing the cup choy "overhand"

Our gym oriented towards fighting. No general classes
If one could not survive the training, perhaps it was not the gym for them.
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To each is own, but seems extreme and disfiguring, but then again I havenā€™t had the desire to actually climb Mt Everest, wingsuite glide off the Alps or wrestle Alligatorsā€¦
Knuckle push ups are great. I do them with arms and hands tucked tight to the sides. When down the arms and fists are roughly where they'd be if chambered at the ribs before a punch. Fist is positioned vertically, tilted so that only the first two knuckles are resting on the ground. When you go up the elbows stay tight to the side, almost as if pushing yourself up with a kihon type punch. Like Jowga said, great for wrist alignment and strengthening. Putting one foot over the other so that only the balls of one foot are touching the ground adds some difficulty to them since balance then comes into play.
I do 'em on a wooden floor, because it's traditional, but badhabits makes an excellent point about having your arms where they'd be if chambered at the ribs. I'm pretty sure that was in best karate as well.
Knuckle conditioning has been around for a long time, in various martial arts and has been used for a plethora of purposes. In styles of Kung Fu, knuckle conditioning was known as Iron Palm or Iron Fist. According to its page on Wikipedia, it allows fighters to use their techniques with extreme power, their hardened knuckles and hands being able to take extreme amounts of punishments compared to that of the average person as if they were made from iron.

This type of bone conditioning has been seen in many fighting styles, namely Muay Thai, Karate and traditional bare-knuckle boxing. This type of knuckle conditioning specifically aims to harden the bones of the hand allowing the utilization of techniques that couldnā€™t be properly applied otherwise, whilst minimizing the damage a fighter might suffer from punching with incorrect technique, or striking harder areas of their opponentā€™s body. Common injuries include the Boxerā€™s Fracture (which I suffered myself). This is a fracture of the outside of your hand caused by striking with pinky and ring finger knuckles.

Knuckle conditioning comes in two forms: conditioning the knuckles themselves by causing miniscule bone fractures which are healed and make the bone stronger, and the callousing of the skin around the knuckles themselves which prevents skin being torn. Training methods for this vary depending on the martial art, as different cultures had different ideas and equipment available to them. The process of conditioning the bones usually takes years, so itā€™s important to be patient with this training. Some martial arts also focus on conditioning other areas of the body with similar exercises.

The most commonly known method is using a piece of equipment called a Makiwara, thought to originate from Okinawa. It was developed for the practitioners of styles of Okinawan Tote (an ancient Okinawan martial art) and Okinawan Karate. The Makiwara is a striking post, which is secured to the ground, and is usually wrapped with thick rope to outline the striking area. Although the Makiwara is primarily used for other purposes (such as the development of focus and technique) it can also serve to cause callousing of the knuckles. The repetitive striking (not at full power) of the post builds up knuckle damage over time, which when healed, will make the knuckles stronger.

In contrast, Muay Thai fighters usually focus on the conditioning of the shins, to ensure the surface that they kick with is rigid and can take the punishment of bone-on-bone contact, which tends to be extremely painful. Muay Thai fighters are notorious for their incredible kicking power, and this is due to the power they can put behind them. Much of their conditioning comes from numerous exercises ā€“ the most impressive of which consists of repeatedly kicking their local banana trees due to their soft and rubber-like wood. But donā€™t get the wrong idea, kicking these is still a pain for the inexperienced. Another common, but not as well-known exercise, is the repeated light striking of the shins with sticks; the striking is more of a tapping, but the repeated abuse builds up very quickly in less than a minute. Rolling the sticks on the shins while applying pressure is done too.

Furthermore, this article at states that rope-skipping and jogging can be used for conditioning the shin bones too. Though it is worth noting that the repeated stress of bouncing on your legs can cause pains on the shins known as ā€˜shin splintsā€™ , which can be very painful. On the other hand, these arenā€™t very good exercises for conditioning if they are not paired with some of the other exercises above ā€“ you are more likely to wear down your knee tissue from repeating these movements too much as they put a lot of strain on the leg jointss.

Bare knuckle boxers from back in the day also used to condition their hands to avoid injuries. However, their conditioning differed from that of the styles above. They mainly focused on the hardening of their skin. They hardened the skin on their hands as it could sometimes cause light cuts on the opponent, and also hardened their skin on their faces and bodies to avoid such cuts. Instead of conditioning their knuckles to be able to punch the skulls of their opponents, they adapted by mainly targeting the body of the opponent. This is why their bizarre fighting stance wasnā€™t focused on protecting their head, and only covered up their body. In fact, many boxers used their head as a weapon to take advantage of the fact that punches to the face caused damage to the hands ā€“ they would purposefully aim to get their forehead in the way of their opponentā€™s fist in an attempt to break it upon impact.

The conditioning of the skin was done mainly through two means: menial work causes callousing on your hands. Before machines were used to carry everything, men had to do it with their bare hands, which led to roughening of the skin. The second method was done through the smearing of different liquids and concoctions. According to this article from, this was done through either the use of brine, or a solution of water and rock salt.

In more traditional martial arts, conditioning would allow the employment of techniques that could not be used otherwise without breaking fingers, knuckles, wrists or hands. Jesse Enkamp, a passionate martial artist and karate champion who founded the Karate Nerds community, gives perfect examples of such techniques (which are present in Karate but also other arts such as Taekwondo) in his video below.

Martial Fury
Strength in discipline.
Discipline in strength.

Source: Knuckle conditioning in different martial arts
Yes the makiwara of karate do toughening up and build calluses on oneā€™s knuckles to some extent but the main purpose is to find proper use of body structure/alinement to back up the fist, itā€™s more of an all over body conditioning. The striking surface of the makiwara is usually at chest level or slightly lower suggesting the main striking area is so on opponent, not the head, when it comes to traditional karate punching.

As for Thai-boxers they use to bind their hands in hemp rope.

Western boxing and itā€™s ā€œbizarre ā€ early boxing guards were actually not too bizarre , usually the front hand/arm point directly toward opponents face making it a somewhat mental annoyance for the opponent, same as pointing a spear in similar way that kind of for the target hide the distance of spear tip - is the spear tip dangerously near or safely far ?

The great Jack Dempsey who fought both bare knuckle and conventional boxing advice, when fighting bare knuckle one should not try to power up oneā€™s punches, he also used the ā€œbizarre ā€ boxing guards , gloved or not.

Speaking of spears and fists, the Okinawan makiwara was actually an adaptation of Jigen-ryu(sword school) pole striking with a bokken(wood sword) as a side effect it build calluses in the palms

/ A Swedish former Karate nerd
Knuckle conditioning has been around for a long time, in various martial arts and has been used for a plethora of purposes.
In CMA, you punch with the whole flat surface. You don't punch with the knuckles.



This is my "iron fist".

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if one donā€™t like the idea of toughening up oneā€™s knuckles the Okinawan makiwara way , then the Okinawans had a backup from the traditional Okinawan weapon arsenal inte form of the - Tekko- an Okinawan style brass knuckle
Like this?

Now I canā€™t see YouTube but Iā€™m sure your video must show the spirit of Jigen-ryu šŸ˜

A little more - jigen ryu motto is ā€œ one cut one killā€, this was adopted by Shotokan karate as ā€œone punch one killā€, Anko Asato who was Gishin Funakoshiā€™s teacher was a master of Jigen-ryu , so was also the legendary Sokon Matsumura
Here is a video of one man's iron fist training (62 years old). I don't think this is for me, even though I am to old.

I found it interesting that half way through he says she didn't make the makiwara he mail ordered it!

At the end there is an ad, no English subtitles , is this for pressure point martial art?

Western boxing and itā€™s ā€œbizarre ā€ early boxing guards were actually not too bizarre , usually the front hand/arm point directly toward opponents face making it a somewhat mental annoyance for the opponent, same as pointing a spear in similar way that kind of for the target hide the distance of spear tip - is the spear tip dangerously near or safely far ?
Sometimes they look to me to actually be quite similar to the stance/guard depicting jiyu kumite in 'best karate'
Fists of steel and nothing up top. This kind of training was encouraged during my youth in martial arts. It was the late 70, early 80s and back then everyone was kung-fu fighting. Well, not everyone... but there were a fair number of us. The magazines and books of the time, plus all the dojo chatter, encouraged this kind of nonsense. All these years later I know plenty of guys who are suffering. My buddy's hands and hips are wrecked. Arthritis and constant pain is a given now. In December another friend of mine (a practitioner and teacher of Kyokushin) had both his hips replaced. At least nowadays people in the martial arts are not so naive, back then hardly anyone questioned anything. Why anyone thought they would need knuckles of steel was beyond me, they'd obviously never been in a fight or read anything about striking vital points on the human body, either that or they were planning on fighting cyborgs and terminators šŸ˜‚

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