Iraqi 'Bomb Detector' is a dowsing rod fraud

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
I had read about this before, but it's back in the news again. Iraqi officials have spent tens of millions on these 'devices' which are just empty boxes, which they wave around and say they can detect bombs. American and Allied lives are at risk; hundreds have been killed by car bombs that have penetrated checkpoints manned by Iraqis, and although we know the devices are fakes, the Iraqis refuse to believe it, and in the name of good relations with the Iraqis, we let them kill our men and women of the armed forces. Disgusting.
Some Iraqi officials are insisting that a controversial bomb detection device works, despite a BBC inquiry in which experts said the item was useless.

Britain has banned exports of the ADE-651 and the director of the company selling them was arrested and bailed.

But the device is still being used at checkpoints all over Baghdad.

Interior Minister Jawad al-Bolani, whose department bought $85m of the devices, said the ADE-651 had detected 16,000 bombs, including 700 car bombs.


But a BBC Newsnight investigation reported that a computer laboratory said the card it examined contained only a tag used by shops to prevent theft.

An earlier story on the same subject:

November 6, 2009 6:00 AM PST
Divining rod reborn as explosive-detection device
Seems dowsing is coming back, albeit with an unexpected angle. British company ATSC (UK) is selling a portable explosive detection device called the ADE 651, which brings bomb detection technology to another (magical) level with claims it can detect guns, ammunition, explosives, and even contraband items from more than half a mile through obstacles and even planes flying 3 miles overhead.

Amazingly, it uses no power source and all the operator needs to do is hold a pair of metal rods that will point to dangerous items via "electrostatic magnetic ion attraction." ATSC (UK) is selling the ADE 651 for between $16,500 and $60,000 each (depending on the source).
James Randi on ADE-651:


James Randi on dowsing and the ideomotor effect:


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