1. Yes it is valid to discuss terms of office for the equivelant of Congressmen when I am referring to limited terms of the POTUS relative to a Caesar. Right.
2. Oh, but the annual celebrations that involved sacrifices to the Caesar/or the established religion that all citizens - except for card carrying Jews - were expected to participate in wasn't a state relig?
3. I didn't say that they didn't have checks and balances, only implied that ours is in place and - it seems, doing a better job if we are discussing the justified use of force by the POTUS, this would have led to some very large scale executions/assasinations in Roman Days (here we go with modern assassiniation conspiracies

4. You are correct, for some reason I had a brain fart and was thinking Greek and talking Roman. Oops
5. All Roman citizens were male vets or people who bought into/earned citizenship or their children/family. I think the media would have a hay day with any story of refusal to voting access -especially if it involved a minority.
6. Actually western public education could be credited to quite a few points in history, the Spartans are an earlier possibility... depends on where you want to stop/start your finger pointing for analogy use. It is subjective. And, like citizenry in Roman culture, education predominately went to the male and was not available to all members. Even if it was available it was caste/gender specific. Women would get a different education on the average from the the men. Weavers would get a different education from the future leaders/citizens.... I know there is disparity, but it isn't THAT caste-like in the current day US.
7. Every culture could fit into a violence addicted comparison with the US from any historical point. Have you seen the anime comics that children of any age can purchase off the rack in Japan? The images of SHussein/POW's were publicized by the MEDIA not a state broadcasting forum like an execution. The purpose of having these POW's/SHussein 'parades' - within the context of military operations/politics is for varification and confirmation, and yes a demonstration of power (like lifting the Stanley Cup over your head, it that so bad?) but it is NOT the same as Gladitorial games or public executions. Like I said the difference between the values of the US citizen and those of the Roman citizen are the hugest difference I can see. I don't see people watching executions on prime time. Violence in culture isn't a direct or exclusive inheritance of the USA from Roman culture. Japan used prisoners for penetration tests of new Katana, Aztec sports events would finish with the sacrifice of the losing team. LaCrosse games with the Native American cultures was bloody and ended in deaths regularly.
Again, do you trust anyone in gov.? Is there anyone you have any faith in?
I know you are going to respond to this, but I will not continue this. Because of Rich and BobÂ’s prompting, I am going to try and stay closer to the topic.