Ip man 2

I am in total agreement, I cant wait until the new movie comes out. Ip Man finally put Wing Chun in a good light with stylistic accuracy and even great acting. I am looking forward to Ip Man 2 and hope it will come out soon.


I used to buy 100s of movies from that company, Bully....until they sent me a broken vcd version of Knockabout, with Yuen Bil & Sammo Heung.

They wanted me to send them the broken vcd back before they would replace it. I tried to explain to them that the cost of sending the film back would cost me more than buying another film, but they wouldn't relent. So, after supporting them for a long time, I'd stopped dealing with them. I'm not saying they are a bad company, just wasn't sympathtic to my case.

You know, I have so many version of the same film, I will have 4 version of each soon. VHS, VCD, DVD, and soon, Blueray.

On the subject of Blueray, one must be careful of the source of their disk. A lot of companies is selling normal DVD9 or mini dvd as genuine BR disk...they are not! Be vigilate, and if it seems too good to be true, be extra careful.
Tin Tin:

May I ask where you purchased the BR version of Ip man from and how much, please?

I love high quality, and I would comtemplate getting myself a copy if it wasn't too expensive.

I'm a movie buff, and even though I have and seen many older films, I still want to collect the BR version when they come down in price.


Hi, are you UK based? If so HMV have it at £12.99, a bargain.
'Ip Man 2' opens in Asia and Australia on 29th April - hopefully other countries will get the film soon after. The storyline follows the establishment of Ip Man's Wing Chun school in Hong Kong and, like the first film, a certain amount of "poetic licence" has been taken with the facts to create a higher level of drama. Basically, the storyline revolves around the exploits of Ip Man and Wong Shun Leung (who is incorrectly portrayed as Ip Man's 1st student as the writers weave various true facts and false ones into their screenplay), however he is referred to by the name Wong Chun (at least in the most recent synopsis released by the studio in Hong Kong) in order to avoid potential legal action in the future (this occured after the release of 'Fearless' some years ago when a great-great grandson of Huo Yuanjia successfully sued the studio concerned after not being "happy" with how his ancestor was portrayed in the movie). Several characters from the original film return in 'Ip Man 2', including Fan Siu Wong's bandit role (now reformed) and Gordon Lam's police officer/translator role. Of course the big draw card is the inclusion of Sammo Hung in the role of a rival Hung Kuen master who initially opposes Ip Man's establishment of a school, but who eventually becomes an ally to him due to a greater threat from a foreign fighter.
Ho, ho, ho I took -- maybe I should say 'dragged' -- my girlfriend to see Yip Man 3 times at the cinema. She protested having to accompany me to the cinema so many times, and I could see her point, since she brought me a copy of the film already on DVD!

Can wait for the realease of 2, but can't help think they have changed the face of history of wing chun forever. I'm so tired of explaining to friends & relatives the inaccurate portrayal of Yip Man, I don't try to correct anyone anymore. I just let them get on with it.
Ho, ho, ho I took -- maybe I should say 'dragged' -- my girlfriend to see Yip Man 3 times at the cinema. She protested having to accompany me to the cinema so many times, and I could see her point, since she brought me a copy of the film already on DVD!

Can wait for the realease of 2, but can't help think they have changed the face of history of wing chun forever. I'm so tired of explaining to friends & relatives the inaccurate portrayal of Yip Man, I don't try to correct anyone anymore. I just let them get on with it.

Ha ha, my wife laughs when she goes out, "Ip man again?"

"what else is there to watch?" I say

"For the 60th time?"

"Yep, see ya, have a good night"
Donnie Yen / Sammo Hung Kam-Bo scene

Thanks Bully for confirming my suspicions :D
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The first clip seems to be a different movie!!

A prequel to Ipman 1.

Ip Chun is in it with a young Ipman.

Excellent, another Wing Chun film for me to watch.

I dont understand Cantonese/Mandarin so I am not sure what is going on in the clip, any asian guys care to elaborate??


Yep, 29th April is the Asian/Australia date.

You UK guys will get it soon after I reckon.

Us yokels here must wait for the DVD release. Our local Cineworld didn't screen it. Not surprising as its not a mainstream film.
Hope you get to see it one way or another !
Looking at the downloads, theres a boxing ring scene, interesting.
Anyone seen it yet? Was released a couple of days ago.

Reviews state it is a good film but not as good as the first.

I hate living on a small Island sometimes, wont be screened here. Have to wait for the DVD.
Watched it today and yeah, i think the first was better. There are more action scenes in this one, more bits of comedy too and fights are not as one-sided this time (he barely got hit in the first one). Not that i'd expect the plot to be fantastic but there's some similarities with the first one, like how there's a Chinese person working for the "bad guys". The first played out the dramatic angle better and i found the fights more memorable, particularly the dojo scene.
Cheers guys. I have read the plot on Wiki. It seems a shame that they couldnt agree with Bruce Lee's family on whatever they had planned. The plot seems flowery. I know the first one wasnt a true representation either but would prefer if they kept things fairly accurate.

Even so I cant wait to watch it.

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