Invisible Rope Joke! How Gullible Can People Get?


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Simply hilarious and amazing to watch to see how gullible people are about NOT tripping on something that ISN'T there to begin with!

Then you get these guys... doing it to people driving their cars!
That is too funny! :rofl:

The power of psychology eh?
That was supposed to rope? Looked more like filament to me. I think those people were more careful and considerate than gullible. But maybe that's because I would have probably fallen for it too.
Well the people on the bridge might step over something not being able to properly see it. But still I thought it was funny.

I am glad in the second one they did not "SCREW" with the bike. That could have been deadly.

As to wire over ashphalt it is difficult to see. So, I would have slowed down also and either asked what was going on or to make sure I could "SEE" if there was anything before proceeding.