Introduction to the forum (Daishixinyi)


White Belt

New here, my name is Jon Dyer, aka Jay_Bee on EF and a few other forums.

I been practising martial arts since I was 14 and I am now 31.

Regarding my m.a's background I have done Karate, Aikido, Jiu Jitsu, Ninjitsu, Muay Thai, Ninjitsu and a little of Kempo.

I started out training in CMA doing some Wu Shu and Bei Shaolin with a student of master Shi Mei Lin, in Wellington, New Zealand, before meeting Dr Stephen Yan, which I trained under for around 13 years. In that time I learnt Bei Shaolin, some Cha Quan, Yin Xing Mi Zong Quan, Liu He Quan, Chin Na, Hebei Xing Yi Quan and also Xin Yi Liu He Quan, which I concentrated on the most. I was fortunate to get exposed to all major 3 styles, such as Mai Zhuangtu, Luoyang and until finally wanting to concentrate on Dai Shi Liu He Xin Yi Quan.

I been to China 3 times and have met a variety of masters, some great, some average and some not so good, but I made friends wherever I went and can say that the good all traditional styles do exist, if you look for them hard enough.

Enough rambling, if you want to ask me something, not that I profess much, I am after all a beginner, ask ahead.
Moderator's note:

Thread moved to Meet & Greet forum.

-Ronald Shin
-MT Supermoderator
Where in China have you been too? I've been to Beijing and Shanghai. Going to try and go to Chongqing as soon as I can afford it :-P
Where in China have you been too? I've been to Beijing and Shanghai. Going to try and go to Chongqing as soon as I can afford it :-P

Ok, these are the places I have been to in China, Shanghai, Jiaxing, Wuxi, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Dalian, Hebei, Shanxi (Taiyuan, Taigu, Qi Xian, Pingyao, Yongji, etc), Henan (Zhenzhou, Dengzhou, Luoyang, Dengfeng, Kaifeng, Nanyang, Zhoukou, Zhumadian, etc), Tianjin and maybe some others I have forgot.

Most of these places were unfortunately crammed into one journey, which was dedicated to researching Xin Yi Liu He Quan, with my teacher at the time, Dr Stephen Yan.

Now I only concentrate on Dai Xin Yi Quan as taught to me by grand master, Yan Long Chang.


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