Internet Saves a Life


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Internet Saves a Life
Going Online Helped Nancy Makin Lose More Than 500 Pounds
Dec. 3, 2007
Weighing 700 pounds, Nancy Makin had lost hope.
After 12 years of weight gain, Makin had spiraled into despair. The more food she ate, the more shame she felt, and nothing could stop the cycle.
Then one day her sister gave her a computer. Inspired by the friends she'd made online and no longer judged by how she looked, Makin finally took control of the situation.
"The anonymity of the computer gave me access to a world that would have just as well have left me alone, alone to die but I did not," Makin wrote in a letter describing her saga.
Today Makin weighs a healthy 170 pounds and hopes others will be inspired by her story to take back their own lives.
Out of Control
The weight gain started after a divorce and fear at her job. Makin began overeating to avoid her feelings and soon she just couldn't stop.
"My son would bring me 10 double cheeseburgers. So I'd eat four, put the rest in the fridge. And then they'd call to me during the night or whatever and you'd eat 'em cold. I could go in and overeat cold squash out of the fridge. It doesn't matter."
"You're stuffing your feelings. That's what people need to know. It's not just being a glutton."
This is the video link
This story is inspiring. While I've never experienced any extreme weight gain personally, I've met/known people who've struggled with it. Some have resorted to drastic measures as surgery to reduce the amount of food their stomachs can hold at one time. This helped but it was a last ditch effort wrought on by desperation and a desire to live.
This woman survived by the kindness of strangers. Strangers that couldn't see her and only judged her by what she said/written. No-one was even encouraging her to lose weight she just did by spending huge amounts of time on the net instead of at the kitchen table.
Hopefully this won't be a trend. IMO the best way to lose weight is through healthy diet, exercise, commitment & learning to love yourself again.


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