Internal arts and celibacy?

ok, now we agree :uhyeah:
Shades of Jeff Foxworthy on how gay men and married men have a lot in common...

"If you sleep on a bed with a dust ruffle and seven pillows you're either gay or married.

If you've ever missed the big game to go antique shopping you're either gay or married.

If you can't remember the last time you had sex with a woman you're either gay or married."
I get that cause when i go without i get snappy, i mean verbally snappy. Not so much mean an that was what i wanted someone to say the person will get kinda aggressive going without. Going without = celibate!
Holding on too your jing can increase your sex drive immensely and you can use that energy to develop tremendous perineal and abdomen power. A good chinese doctor can help you transform this energy into a form more palletteble to the rest of your body. Once it has been transformed into chi energy (through proper breathing and muscle contraction) it can be distributed through any part of your body's facia (membranes that surround each of your organs, all your organs together, muscular tissue and subdermal layers). You also need to develop your microcosmic orbit, inner smile and learn and perform the healing sounds. There are also imperfections of the body that can inhibit proper chi flow (I have crooked teeth, for example, and can feel where my energy flow is cinched and builds up like a dam around my forehead). I don't know much about chi yet so I don't reccomend or condone anything but that's my opinion on how celebacy (or just not losing you jing) can help your internal arts.