This is very intersting. So are the nine ryu of the Bujinkan Koryu, "Kuden", or a mixture? What is the definition of a Kuden, and which of the 9 ryu fit which?
"Kuden" means simply "oral transmission." It is a completely valid and historically verifiable way in which Ryuha information has been passed on in Japan across various disciplines (from martial arts to ikebana).
As for what constitutes "Koryu" and what constitutes "Kuden," and who decides, and what it means, I will point you to this.
I've been thinking for a while of starting a blog containing "cool posts" that I've collected over the years. So many great posts have been lost to thread drifts, flame wars, thread deletions and thread locks. Whenever I saw a cool post, I would usually cut-and-paste it into Word, or print an electronic PDF of it.
I had been thinking about making this information available online as a "best of the boards according to biased bencole" , but I've found that I really don't like the way blogging tools allow me to organize information. Maybe I'm just an idiot, but I've had a lot of difficulty trying to make things fit within folders, etc. I've got a ton of cool stuff going back to the days of Ninpo-L, but if I cannot figure out a way of organizing them all by theme, it's going to be a complete mess. (If anyone knows WordPress and has some ideas about how to place more than one post below a navigation tool, let me know! Right now, it displays all articles all the time. If it does that for every article, then my navi will have hundreds of links displayed at the same time. Yikes!)
Anyhow, if you are willing to ignore the dysfunctional navigation and the relative lack of information in this skeleton page, these two initial posts MIGHT be helpful to you. This blog thing may never get off the ground, but at least these two relevant posts are there and consumable. So, for now, the tools fits; let's use it. LOL!