Interesting Food Combinations from your area


MTS Alumni
Apr 18, 2002
Reaction score
Mountaineer Martial Arts - Shepherdstown,WV
Originally posted by pknox
Spoken like a true Pennsylvanian. ;)

Think about it - if you asked someone what state "New York City" was in, and they answered "New Jersey," wouldn't you be shocked?
I have to relate an anecdote that I experienced. Tess, my father and I were having dinner with his girlfriend. She is from Pennsylvania. The topic turned to her peculiar cuisine preferences. Apparently, in PA, if you order a steak or a chicken style salad, the put french fries in it. I found this almost as disturbing as their chciken and gravy on waffles. I told her I found it rediculous not to mention nauseating. She told me they do it "all over the world". I asked her to name ONE country where they did that, her answer: "New York". Needless to say, I had much fun at her expense for the rest of that evening.
Originally posted by Seig
I have to relate an anecdote that I experienced. Tess, my father and I were having dinner with his girlfriend. She is from Pennsylvania. The topic turned to her peculiar cuisine preferences. Apparently, in PA, if you order a steak or a chicken style salad, the put french fries in it. I found this almost as disturbing as their chciken and gravy on waffles. I told her I found it rediculous not to mention nauseating. She told me they do it "all over the world". I asked her to name ONE country where they did that, her answer: "New York". Needless to say, I had much fun at her expense for the rest of that evening.

chicken and gravy on waffles? bleh! for all those wills up there, i doubt many people will want to participate...
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
chicken and gravy on waffles? bleh! for all those wills up there, i doubt many people will want to participate...

Oh yeah, I can't stand that either, but then I'm originally from Baltimore anyway. My dad eats that all the time. What's worse my wife, who's vietnamese, came up with a variation that involves very salty pulled and dried pork and no gravy. On a waffle! She never even thought about that until my parents showed her the waffles and gravy thing.

I don't get the french fries thing. I've never heard of putting fries IN a salad.
Originally posted by qizmoduis

I don't get the french fries thing. I've never heard of putting fries IN a salad.

I've heard it's very good. i've never had it, tho. i don't spend enough time in that state, despite living about 15 minutes from the state line...

...salty pulled dried pork...kinda like putting over-fried bacon it waffles, which my dad does when he makes them home-made. and he adds the bacon grease to the batter. yummy...

*wanders off and lets this get back on topic*
I don't get the french fries thing. I've never heard of putting fries IN a salad.

French fry salads DO NOT represent the cuisine of the entire state of PA. That is a purely Pittsburgh thing. Philadelphians are just as appalled as the rest of the country. Of course, Philadelphians are famous for chowin' on scrapple. *Shudder* You won't catch me eating that. But, I'll admit to the ocassional cheesesteak, soft pretzel or butterscotch tastykake.
Hmm........I've never heard of the fries in the salad thing either- interesting.

Anyone else like ketchup with their grilled cheese sandwiches?

:asian: :karate:
Originally posted by KenpoMatt
French fry salads DO NOT represent the cuisine of the entire state of PA. That is a purely Pittsburgh thing. Philadelphians are just as appalled as the rest of the country. Of course, Philadelphians are famous for chowin' on scrapple. *Shudder* You won't catch me eating that. But, I'll admit to the ocassional cheesesteak, soft pretzel or butterscotch tastykake.

Ah, Pittsburgh! Well that explains it then.

I can't stand scrapple either. When I moved here from Altoona back in 84 I remember the morning crew on WMMR making stinks about scrapple, and then another station had a scrapple-fest for a couple of years.

The stuff makes me ill, personally.
There are many delicacies eaten by Newfoundland's some just to gross to mention. But one that I always enjoyed was Newfie Fries.

This consisted of a large plate of fresh cut fries and healthy layer of stuffing (i.e. chicken or turkey stuffing) on top and then covered with gravy. And if you were hearty enough you'd also add enough malt vinegar to the concoction so that it cleared the sinuses as you ate. ;)

It's sound pretty dramatic, but it is very tasty. Honest

For those from the mid atlantic, I am thinking specifically of Baltimore where I grew up and Philly where my wife is from, does anyone else eat scrapple? How? salt and pepper? With fried eggs on top? Grape jelly? Am I the only heathen who stil eats it? My wife won't even let me cook it when she's home. What a sad reason to look forward to her business trips...

and for you Philadelphians, Pat's or Geno's?

Originally posted by KenpoMatt
butterscotch tastykake.

Tastykakes! Yumness!

scrapple? ate it when i was younger, grew out of that phase...

Being a native marylander, crab is the way to be...and everywhere ya go, you find Old Bay...whee! I'm not fond of TONS of Old Bay, but it adds a zing to whatever! mmm...crabcakes...
Biscuts and gravy for's gotta be a southern thing... they serve it all the time here and i never see it back home...except maybe at Cracker Barrel and Waffle House...
and for you Philadelphians, Pat's or Geno's?

I grew up there. Pat's original--cheeze whiz instead of provalone. I ate those things like they were going out of style back when my metabolism processed about 4500 calories a day. Honestly, Geno's are pretty good too, just a matter of unexplainable loyalty.
Originally posted by PAUL
They have fried twinkies in Michigan.

In Buffalo they have chedder cheese on apple pie.

Pretty gross.


fried twinkies? uck! as if those things weren't nasty enough!
Well, here in Chicago we actually eat pizza thats like 3 inches thick...

None of that Cheese and sauce on a cracker like the people out east...

Originally posted by Technopunk
Well, here in Chicago we actually eat pizza thats like 3 inches thick...

None of that Cheese and sauce on a cracker like the people out east...


That's why we have UNO's chicago-style...and i think there's some chicago-style from pizza hut...or dominos...
Originally posted by TheRustyOne
That's why we have UNO's chicago-style...and i think there's some chicago-style from pizza hut...or dominos...

UNO's pizza SUCKS... IMHO of course.

I only ate there once, and I liken it to the McDonalds of Pizzarias.
Originally posted by Technopunk
Well, here in Chicago we actually eat pizza thats like 3 inches thick...

None of that Cheese and sauce on a cracker like the people out east...


There ya go. This man has the same tastes that I do. If you're gonna make a real pizza, this is the way to go!

For once, common sense on MT!:cool:
Can someone please tell me what "scrapple" is? I've never heard of it.

Hey Dot, have you ever had "scrunchions"? They're a bit Newfie thing. For those who don't know it's lard cut into cubes and then fried and put on your fish and stuff. I can't stand them but my parents love them. For healthy food reasons they don't make them anymore though.

GEE, putting chunks of fat on your food isn't good for you??? :rolleyes:

In Quebec they also have some interesting combinations with fries. They often put mayonaise on fries instead of ketchup or something and has anyone ever had poutine? It's really good. Cheese and gravy on fries, the gravy melts the cheese and it's great. Incredibly high in fat and stuff though. :(
Scrapple: Imagine sausage and its ingredients. Now, imagine the stuff that didn't make the grade to get into sausage. Compress it, season it, SCRAPPLE!

I don't know why but, I love the stuff.
