Interesting Article on a UFC fighters opinion on Sparring

From last night's UFC card. Poor quality vid but a must for any fight fan, especially an MMA fan. Well worth fifteen minutes of your time

I know competition is different from sparring but when discussing intentionally trying to knock someone the F out, as Fried Rice so eloquently put it, you don't see that in most fights, some fights are snooze fests. But this is what it actually looks like to try and KO, with every technique thrown. (in case anyone wants to talk about what attempting to KO someone actually looks like)

This is a great fight. Worth the time and poor vid.
The trauma from the fights is bad enough and the long term effects are indisputable. So smart training is important.
I have tremendous respect for those who train hard, prepare properly, and step into the ring/cage.
Anyone know who this guy is? While the premise makes a lot of good sense, the article isn't well written and has zero substance. Does this guy have any credentials?

A few, interesting points, yes.

Steve, you have a fine detector of the bovine X and Y chromosone.

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