

<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
I was wondering about this most of the morning, what has happen to the integrity part of TKD? Why are so many forgetting about this aspect of thier training? How do you incoporate this into your everyday life and training?
That is easy Terry, but hard to do. Just treat people the same way you would want to be treated. The secret is, even if they don't, still be the bigger person. This was one of the first things I was taught, and still continue to pass it on today."Integrity"
simple, but not easy...

well, the way I see it, integrity is the honor that can come back to bite you in the butt...and who likes that?!
In speculating on a character trait, I think it's very important to define ones terms.

Treating others the way you would like to be treated (commonly known as 'the golden rule') has to do with reciprocity and courtesy, but it's not integrity.

Integrity has to do with being totally consistent in ones beliefs, morality, ethics, paradigm and actions. To have all of these in alignment with no duplicity, internal or external. In my way of thinking this means to make your choices be in alignment with what you believe to be true or right. As was said before, MUCH easier to say than to do. In other words, to strive for integrity is to make your undestanding of right and wrong reflect directly in your choices and actions, consistently, without regard to other factors. (Wow....I get wordy after a few cups of coffee)

Treating others with courtesy, with a sense of reciprocity, ....if I feel that THAT is what is RIGHT to do........then it would demonstrate integrity when I DO that.
I think that we can, as martial artists, simply give consideration to what we believe to be right or best and strive to make our actions line up.

NOT easy.......

Your Brother
Teaching about something and having people do it are different issues. First, I think we need to define terms as noted above.

When it comes to the Tenets as designated by General Choi, (fopunded on prior codes of conduct and ideals) they are listed in order of importance. Courtesy, Integrity , perseverance, self Control and idomitable spirit.

When I teach the kids I define / explain the first 2 thusly:
Courtesy - To be polite and have good manners. I explain that this is different than respect in that you can and even should be courteous to someone you do not like or respect and even those you do not know (Adults will know that exceptions apply.)
Integrity - To be honest, truthful and fair in your dealings with others.

Though very limiting, in the Martial Arts classroom environment you should lead by example and whenever possible point out to students behavior that does or does not exhibit proper courtesy and integrity.
I've been helping as an assistant with the youngest classes at our school. At my last belt testing I noticed every pair of 5-7 year old eyes watching me closely. We all want our teachers to set great examples, but we're also always watching for evidence of any flaws--human nature I guess.

Integrity, for me, is acting in a way that I would not mind my 5-7 year olds (and anyone else) seeing...acting in a way that would be the best example for them.