Yours, mine and ours


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
TKD though out the years has become so much for so many, that sometimes we forget what is the real purpose of TKD and that is to build a strong mind as well a strong body. Thoughout the last 5-7 year the focus has been mainly on the sport aspect which would include the body, but the mind for the most part has been neglected.

I know I have been neglecting my mind growth in TKD over that time frame and when this happens we as a group cannot grow TKD into a whole Art. The way to get back what we have lost is to remember what those before us have set for the growth of TKD.

When one see what has been lacking in there own personal training it is time to be a empty cup and let all info. back in until it is running over once again.


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