Inoki Vrs Willie Wiilams: A Brawl!!!

A real nasty brawl between the wrestler Antonio Inoki and Kyokushin fighter Willie Williams. I don't know the date or even who won - but Lord, what a brawl!

Pretty sure that was in 1980, and was called a draw-Williams Shihan had a broken arm, and Inoki had broken ribs.

Williams Shihan pretty much retired from martial arts after a pretty bad accident in 2000 that would have a killed less strong man.

Guy "fought" a (declawed and toothless) seven foot, 500 lb. bear once:

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Willie Williams was one of the great Kyokushin fighters from that period. Thanks for the info. Osu!
It's not MMA however (it's old style 2 styles versus each other) and posting it here instead of the general section will mean a lot of people won't see it which is a shame.