Brian, I respect you highly, but you dodged my question. I asked what you would have done were you in the lawyers' position. Simply saying "a lot more" tells us nothing. What specific actions would you have taken? As I also asked, what do you feel the implications would have been?
You contend the lawyers will be in trouble, "most assuredly civilly". I think most assuredly they will not be. They were following a legally mandated course of action on behalf of their client, who was Mr Wilson. Under what theory do you contend that they can be successfully sued?
Respect is mutual I assure you, Grydth!
Well I did not intend to dodge. (at least no more than a lawyer would :rofl

However I have been in a couple of situations if not like this particular one but still where I
had a difficult choice to make. I made the choice to do the right thing. In this case I am confident that I would make the right choice
based on the information at hand. There is I am sure information that we are not privy to that could possibly change everything. Still having said that I would do everything in my power to insure that an innocent man did not go to jail. That would certainly include up to leaving my position in that field if necessary, disbarment, etc. (as you can see a defense lawyer I would not make) Anyway's
we are in theory here as I have never been in this situation nor will I be as I won't be a practicing defense lawyer. (though I have all the respect in the world for people who do this if done ethically and morally) Prosecutor,
well maybe (would not totatlly rule it out) but probably not as I am at this time not interested in pursuing a career in this field and I am a little older now. (though I once was very interested)
As to the lawyer's yes they were following a defined action in their field. Still that action had consequences that deprived someone to time, career, etc. Nor is that actioned defined as a golden rule or prevents a lawyer from being sued for it or the consequences. (though it certainly would be difficult but I am sure a good lawyer might give it a shot and potentially succeed) If so they are responsible for their actions. If their actions dictated that a man was placed in jail for twenty some years and they knew this. Then I have a feeling that there will be a lawsuit. Whether they will be found responsible is a whole different issue. However their karma is pretty bad and I would not want to be anywhere near them.
Bottom line some times doing the right thing is very, very hard. This has been proven to myself on several occasions. In this particular incident based on what we know the lawyer's in question decided to
play it safe and in so doing they ruined someone else's life.
That is well just terrible.
Having said all this I understand that someone has to have a good vigorous defense and everything that this entails. Sometimes in our legal system things do not always work the best. Having said that in the grand scheme of things it is a good system with many checks and balances along the way. Still quite a few innocent people have been incarcerated somaybe there are some major flaws.
As to your point that the individual incarcerated was done so at the foot of the prosecutors and because of their attorney's defense. Well it is hard to argue with that. Still it does not mitigate these two defense attorney's inaction or lack of action. Morally they failed! Some essence of humanity was not there.
Now on another note,
what would you do? Would you
sit to the side and
let someone go innocently to prison? Would you ruin not just their life but everyone around them? You see simply I would not. Nope, nada, no job is worth that. Other work is always out there.
On a different note: If you had a police officer who knew someone was innocent but just let that person go to prison what would you think of that? Different field but same consequence with an innocent person going to prison. That would stink in my book too.