
The list is not long:

bruised bones
Ligement/tendon damage
knock outs
Pulled muscles
Cracked ribs
blackened eye closed to the point where I couldn't see

The dumbest injury by far (drumroll please).....

Back in my breakdancing days, I tore my right hamstring to the point where the muscle was almost completely seperated in half. My leg, from knee to butt, turned purple. I had to go through severe rehab to get it back into order; I couldn't sit on it for 2 months, and I couldn't walk w/o a cane for 6 months, and by month 9 it was finally 90% rehabilitated to where I could spar again! How F&*kin' dumb was that!? Thank God for stick and knife training, or I would have had to of quit for 9 months!

I feel lucky though, because none of my injuries were perminant, and my body is still in good working order!
Originally posted by Nightingale
nappie = diaper

cricket box = ??????

i'm hoping its some kind of reference to a sport, but could be some bizarre thing resembling a chinese cricket cage (see below)

Heh, chip shop and now cricket box, I'm not doing very well tonight am I ;)

We call a cricket box (or just 'box') what you guys call a 'cup' I think, small tackle holding device that you shive down a jock strap or some underpants that are too small.

Nappy is a 'diaper', yeah, by that I mean the thing I have now. It's got a big front piece that goes right down between me legs, up over me tackle and then spreads out the cover all the general pubic region at the front. There's a couple of elastic straps that go down under your **** and a thick elastic strap that goes round the small of the back, and you have to step into it and then hoist it on.

It's really bulky and hence looks (and I imagine feels) like a nappy!


The most serious one- Came very close to tearing my ACL while grappling. Hurt like hell!!

Oh God! I came that close to losing one of my boys. I dont feel so well.:barf:
..mine was a thought to broken toe that turned out to be a slight dislocation along with a bruised bone...needless to say my right big toe was the color of my gi for about a month or so...:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Chronuss
..mine was a thought to broken toe that turned out to be a slight dislocation along with a bruised bone...needless to say my right big toe was the color of my gi for about a month or so...:rolleyes:

and your split lip from my elbow wouldn't of occured had you been not getting into bad habits of looking down.. *Bites*
...I'm also use to having correct lower belts....tis why I was looking down...but my lip is all better now. :D
Originally posted by Chronuss
...I'm also use to having correct lower belts....tis why I was looking down...but my lip is all better now. :D

you calling me a lower belt???

my first day of Karate I shattered my hand doing back fist drills, I've gotten kicked so hard it incurred Cellulitis which hurt worse than any broken bone I've had~!
Kicked and seperated muscles, Broken fingers, Dislocated fingers and toes, Multiple hamstring tears...
But ya know.. I love Martial arts and wouldn't change a thing.. Now I block and wear lots of protective gear when sparring :)

what's a little bit of pain.. :)
Originally posted by Chronuss
nope...I is not. :D

Good thing~!

yes....the lone armadillo...even with her Kenpo headband. :D

*beams proudly as a happy Fat Sassy Armadillo... *

My Rambo Kenpo Headband.. yeah I do look pretty darn silly but what the hey...
Originally posted by KenpoTess
I do look pretty darn silly but what the hey...

no sillier than I do with my blue pirate bandana....oy. does keep the medicine outta my eyes and the head gear on my head when Seig takes a swipe at it...