Injured & frustrated

Just a WAG have they ruled out any circulatory problems, PAD or Diabetes? Have you tried massage therapy? How old are you?

I know it's not diabetes (I was checked recently). The other things you mentioned I've not been tested for. I have had massage therapy as part of physical therapy sessions. I'm 40. That might explain an overuse pulled muscle injury (that's the only thing I've been told it may be, so far). But no one can explain why it's taken longer than 2 weeks to heal (let alone nearly 7 months.
I know it's not diabetes (I was checked recently). The other things you mentioned I've not been tested for. I have had massage therapy as part of physical therapy sessions. I'm 40. That might explain an overuse pulled muscle injury (that's the only thing I've been told it may be, so far). But no one can explain why it's taken longer than 2 weeks to heal (let alone nearly 7 months.

Maybe you did not give it enought ime to heal in the first place Ice and that is why it is taking so long.
Maybe you did not give it enought ime to heal in the first place Ice and that is why it is taking so long.

I've been injured too many times & come back way too quick in the past. I did everything I was supposed to do & not do, this time. The day it happened, I stopped running. I iced it, Advil, rest....everything I read about for the injury I thought I had. I went to the doctor after a month. He said, "rest more & take Advil." I insisted on seeing an orthopedic surgeon.

It wasn't until the 4th visit to that doctor (after the MRI & 2 months of PT) that he even touched my leg. He sent me to another orthopedic surgeon. That guy said, "I'll send you to UCLA."

Terry, I'm not arguing with you. But this time, I've really done the "right" things. Hence my frustration. I do appreciate your support. Wednesday will not come soon enough.
I've been injured too many times & come back way too quick in the past. I did everything I was supposed to do & not do, this time. The day it happened, I stopped running. I iced it, Advil, rest....everything I read about for the injury I thought I had. I went to the doctor after a month. He said, "rest more & take Advil." I insisted on seeing an orthopedic surgeon.

It wasn't until the 4th visit to that doctor (after the MRI & 2 months of PT) that he even touched my leg. He sent me to another orthopedic surgeon. That guy said, "I'll send you to UCLA."

Terry, I'm not arguing with you. But this time, I've really done the "right" things. Hence my frustration. I do appreciate your support. Wednesday will not come soon enough.

I know you did Iceman I just wanted other to know this as well, I wish I could give you some expert advice but I just do not understand your delima.:asian:
Have you tried a stationary bike? Running or walking in a swimming pool normally helps for two reasons buoyancy and cooling. You don't apply full weight to injury and you keep the tissue cool. Try flutter kicks also to work on the calves. Great place too work on all your kicking for form.
Have you tried a stationary bike? Running or walking in a swimming pool normally helps for two reasons buoyancy and cooling. You don't apply full weight to injury and you keep the tissue cool. Try flutter kicks also to work on the calves. Great place too work on all your kicking for form.

I did work on a stationary bike during PT & loved it. I don't have access to a stationary bike or a pool, now.
There are some good exercises to do to work out (gently) an injured muscle, but still, I'd wait to see what is said on Wed. It might be something that needs to be worked out with some time with a physical therapist (fingers crossed that it won't take long).

I'm sorry to hear about the injury, and you're definitely in my thoughts/ prayers. It's really hard to not be able to train due to an injury, and I hope things get straightened out for you ASAP.

I wish I could tell you something better but I can only tell you I have been through a major injury and it is not fun but it takes time and it is best to listen to the MD. I learned the hard way that that a Doctor REALLY does know more that I do about healing. Of course it took a couple of I told you so events first to get that through my thick skull :)
Ask your Doctor about circulatory problems, they need to check for swelling and may ask for doppler on your leg. In the mean time you may want to do bicycles on your back(get a pillow to help support your back).

Try your best not to let this attack (you know what I mean) get you down. I know from personal experience- pain can lead to depression and anxiety that can snowball out of control. Try to keep up the good fight.
For we are in His service.

try not to focus on what you can not do- but rather on what you still can do. Your students will understand!

I thouroghly enjoyed or talk on the phone a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for the call, and sorry for talking your ear(s) off!

your brother in Christ
Ask your Doctor about circulatory problems, they need to check for swelling and may ask for doppler on your leg. In the mean time you may want to do bicycles on your back(get a pillow to help support your back).

Yeah, when I pulled mine a week and a half ago and could barely walk the triage nurse's first concern was the circulation in it. She checked for a pulse down there and did blood pressure checks and so on to make sure that I wasn't sitting in the waiting room while I had serious circulatory problems in my calf. I admin I was impressed. By touch a nurse could tell my achilles tendon was still attached too.
Ice—didn't see this post till today for some reason. I'm sorry to hear that you are still having problems with this thing.

I'm in no position to make suggestions about what your doctors and physiotherapists should look into. But one thing that might be worth getting checked on is irritation of nerve bundles in the affected area. Sciatica is probably the most familiar instance of this problem, but it's something that can come up any time there's an injury. And irritation of nerve fibres is notoriously persistent. Once it starts, it can be a chronic problem. I've had, not sciatica, but sciatic inflammation in the past, and it can take several weeks to damp down. More serious inflammation could take a lot longer. It's something that ought to be checked out....
Iceman just keep seeing doc after doc until someone finds the reason for the pain, pain is simply not there unless you are hurting. Keep the faith.
With him being in California probaly not until later this evening.
Well, I've got some good news...or at least a direction to go in. The Dr was very nice & was very willing to do what it took to help. He even got on the phone with my insurance to make sure they would pay for what he wanted to do.

The Dr & the physical therapist were concerned that I couldn't move my ankle much (I never really could) & was really tight in my ankle & calf area. He put me in a cast pushing my ankle slightly up (think toward front kick ability). I'll be in that position for a week. It will actually relax my calf as well. Next week, they'll move it up more. Week after, same thing. They're looking for flexion in my ankle & decreased tightness in my calf. Hopefully, that will help the calf muscle as well as the ankle flexion.

A few weeks after the last cast, he wants to do a study on they way I walk to see what else is happening there.

So, I have a cast on my leg from just bellow my knee. Teaching class is gonna be fun tonight.:ultracool I'm gonna need to wear shorts everywhere for the next month. I'm STILL not gonna buy a "summer" dobok!

We don't have an answer yet, but at least we have a plan to get there & folks who actually care that are seeing to me.

I appreciate your continued prayers & support!


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