Info from FBI about cop attackers & their weapons.

Bob Hubbard

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Force Science News article from 2006.



New findings on how offenders train with, carry and deploy the weapons they use to attack police officers have emerged in a just-published, 5-year study by the FBI.

Among other things, the data reveal that most would-be cop killers:

--show signs of being armed that officers miss;

--have more experience using deadly force in "street combat" than their intended victims;

--practice with firearms more often and shoot more accurately;

--have no hesitation whatsoever about pulling the trigger. "If you hesitate," one told the study's researchers, "you're dead. You have the instinct or you don't. If you don't, you're in trouble on the street...."

These and other weapons-related findings comprise one chapter in a 180-page research summary called "Violent Encounters: A Study of Felonious Assaults on Our Nation's Law Enforcement Officers." The study is the third in a series of long investigations into fatal and nonfatal attacks on POs by the FBI team of Dr. Anthony Pinizzotto, clinical forensic psychologist, and Ed Davis, criminal investigative instructor, both with the Bureau's Behavioral Science Unit, and Charles Miller III, coordinator of the LEOs Killed and Assaulted program.
See link for much more info.
Force Science News article from 2006.


See link for much more info.

Reinforces my assertion and observation that MOST police officers can't shoot for crap, and too many look at the firearm they carry as an ornament or badge of office, not as a weapon.

I always looked at it as something I might any day have to shoot my way out of a bad situation with........and if I am going to die at the hands of some sewer rat, I wanna make damn well sure he and a couple of his buddies are going to be dying in the same alleyway with me, preferably with more bullet holes in them than I needs servants in Valhalla!

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