Indict BuSh, and/or Cheney, and/or Rumsfeld


  • BuSh:yes

    Votes: 17 60.7%
  • BuSh:no

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • Cheney:yes

    Votes: 19 67.9%
  • Cheney:No

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • Rumsfeld:Yes

    Votes: 18 64.3%
  • Rumsfeld:No

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • I'm not a US citizen, but BuSh:Yes

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • I'm not a US citizen, but BuSh:No

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • I'm not a US citizen, but Cheney:Yes

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • I'm not a US citizen, but Cheney:No

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • I'm not a US citizen, but Rumsfeld:Yes

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • I'm not a US citizen, but Rumsfeld: No

    Votes: 1 3.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
My vote - Indict em all. make it a visual vote where they line up all the yes, no and abstaining voters on stages and show the vote live on TV. No hanging chads, no hacked buggy machines, etc. :)

Any chance of your making it so we could vote that way?
You can freaking indict a ham sandwich, right? This mess in Iraq is not going to end very well. The English know that you can invade Iraq, but you cannot occupy it. It is not possible. I have been reading about this. Winston Churchill was in charge of trying to occupy Iraq during WW2 -- to try to keep the Nazis from getting to that oil. It was the same mess then.

The Kurds, the Sunnis and the Shias ended up fighting each other then, too! Just like now!

If there are indictments to be made, that's one thing, but, there needs to be a resolution to this mess, one way or the other way! General Powell said to the President, "If you break it, you buy it." BUT no one listened to Powell!
And yes, I know that he was part of all of this "they have the weapons of mass destruction" argument, but he must have certainly been doing what he was told to do. He tried to put the brakes on it before it got out of hand.

He has more sense than any of the bunch involved. He should be the one as President -- a Ranger. It might be just a bunch of "fruit salad" on his uniform, but I don't think so. He went to the Ranger School, even if he got off easy because he was an officer, who knows?

He wanted the footprint of the forces in Somalia to be lightweight, and look what happened there. He knows from that mistake though what a mess can happen.
"This mess in Iraq is not going to end very well."

uh, have you missed the news for the last 6 months?

the surge WORKED

violence is down, the wild areas are tamed, the iraqi government is working, street opinion of the terrorists has gone negative for the first time ever, opinion of US has gone positive

try to keep up, the opinion that 'this is going to fail" is sooooo last year

as far as getting indictments, you notice the overwhelming silence when it is pointed out that if you wanna do that you need to start in the mid 90's with democratic officials?

that lets you know it is just a partisan move, not a search for the truth.
"This mess in Iraq is not going to end very well."

uh, have you missed the news for the last 6 months?

the surge WORKED

violence is down, the wild areas are tamed, the iraqi government is working, street opinion of the terrorists has gone negative for the first time ever, opinion of US has gone positive

try to keep up, the opinion that 'this is going to fail" is sooooo last year

as far as getting indictments, you notice the overwhelming silence when it is pointed out that if you wanna do that you need to start in the mid 90's with democratic officials?

that lets you know it is just a partisan move, not a search for the truth.
More people were murdered last month in NYC than American troops were killed in Iraq.
Oh, and, just by the way... CLICK HERE


I mean, short of the occasional plea for help, genuine distress, sharing of emotion, what in the world makes you think that I take any of this seriously? Or, more importantly, that I expect to be taken seriously?

I mean, my avatar is some sort of mutated great white shark with a keyboard, fer chrissakes!

ItÂ’s the Internet, already-I donÂ’t take it seriously; I view almost everything I have to say here as a diversion, and so should you-for the record:IÂ’m not being serious. I hardly even care-America is on a rocket-powered sled to hell, and itÂ’s taking the rest of the world with it, and it doesnÂ’t matter at all whoÂ’s in the Oval Office.

In all seriousness, BuSh, Cheney and Rumsfeld arenÂ’t ever going to be indicted-whether they committed crimes, we can prove they committed crimes, or they continue to commit crimes or not. In all seriousness,if Obama gets elected to the White House (as if!), and the balance of power in the House and Senate goes well over 70% Democratic, and Obama initiates some sort of sweeping investigation into the previous regime, nothing will happen, because the corporate masters whom Obama and BuSh both serve, wonÂ’t allow itÂ….

At least, thatÂ’s what I seriously think-I also seriously think that a real LAWYER could make the case for the terrible trioÂ’s indictment under the statute-itÂ’ll never happen, though.

I mean, seriously-(emotional sharing, genuine distress mode “on”) someone recently commented to me that they don’t understand how I can reconcile what I do with myself, and how they couldn’t.

Frankly, it’s not easy. I did grow up in the age of “duck and cover,” and I kind of fell into the work I do in steps-and, to be able to undo you gotta learn how to do, very often, and that’s where I am.

I can tell you the best way to guarantee results from a car bomb, tell you how to poison an entire office building full of people, look at the results of a car bomb and forensically determine (or at least help to) the trigger mechanism, type of explosive and country or perhaps even factory of origin. I can disassemble a variety of devices, tell you how to make a WMD (or five!) from a trip to True Value hardware. I can perform all sorts of emergency medical procedures, defuse bombs, operate an accelerator, operate a nuclear power plant,operate a diesel locomotive (donÂ’t ask, because I wonÂ’t tell) tear apart a vintage engine and rebuild it, but I canÂ’t even properly post a goddam internet poll, and you think IÂ’m being serious?

You want me to be serious? Oookay-My first wife died when I was 33, leaving me to raise two small children to adulthood,My 40 year old sister died, right before this past New YearÂ’s,after a short illness. My job requires a lot of travel, and I developed a blood clot in my leg driving back and forth while my sister was sick. IÂ’m raising my teenage nephews, now-after raising my own kids into adulthood and getting a taste of child-free life. I've had nothing but stressful and dangerous jobs for my entire career-my job currently causes me an inordinate amount of stress, not only because of its content, the constant threat it poses to my life, the constant threat it poses to other peopleÂ’s lives, the fact that on a regular basis IÂ’m required to make decisions that might lead to a colleagueÂ’s death or injury-or, at least make decision like that during drills, which is even worse-but it causes me stress because of the stupid, stupid people at the head of the organization, starting with the current administration and going back through the Clinton administration to the first Bush administration-every one filled with bureaucratic know-nothing, corporate dunderheads.

Whew!-that's serious, and I'm sorry for boring you with it.

All of this-including this post, this very one you're reading now-is not meant to be taken seriously. It’s a diversion. Sure, I’ll tell the truth, as I see it, and sure, I’ll expect some “serious discussion” from time to time, but it’s a diversion, and not meant to be much more than that, most of the time.

I mean, “Indict BuSh?” I’ve met the man more than once-seems nice enough, but I don’t take HIM that seriously-he can’t even pronounce “nuclear.”:lol:'

A wise woman once gave me some advice about all of this "Internets" (that's a BuShism, for those of you who don't know)-she said not to take it seriously. TwinFist, I'm genuinely glad for youn that you're teaching in your own dojo-that's serious. Don't take this seriously. It's just chatter. Chat away, then go play with your kids, vote, go to work, go grocery shopping-live in a bunker and horde food like I do, even.....:lol:

Oh, and go ahead an post your responses, and vote in the poll, and I'll respond, etc., etc., etc., but try to remember that I don't take any of this seriously, for the most part, and don't think that you should, either.....

To use an Americanism "WAY TO GO ELDER! "

Loved the post, couldn't give you rep again though so here's it in public.
It is just the internet, it's sitting writing tongue in cheek while people have a sense of humour failure at what you write. It's gently pricking pomposity, making light of serious subjects like politics because let's face whatever we think or write, the truth is we can do little to change things so better to laugh than cry. It's being accused of being angry when you're sitting at your computer with a big grin on your face, it's replying to childish posts with adult humour ( I don't mean smutty humour btw) it's also having people read far more into what you write than you meant when you posted that throwaway line. It's funny, it's amusing and it's not real!
The martial arts posts are great, informative and great sharing information, views and techniques with some great people but the rest, that's just as Elder says, a diversion.
Keep posting Elder!
I'm not partisan at all.
I think Barack Obama has the potential to be another Jimmy Carter, only worse-doesn't make him a bad guy, just a bad president.

I think McCain is basically a decent person, and somewhat non-partisan. I hope he wins. Especially since then the Democrats won't be blamed for the even worse mess we're in come 2014
But, you're not partisan at all...
......:lol: He's going to restore the pathway to nuclear disarmament, and non-proliferation, and that's enough to get my vote.

And,, yeah, I seriously think that BuSh, Cheney and Rumsfeld broke the law-so what? People get away with murder every day......
Mary Jo Kopechne...
I have a very nice life, all things considered-it's my job that sucks, and that's changing....hell, I can always quit......
.....and, uh-don't call me "bro":lol:
But, you're not partisan at all... ..

Bush and the Republicans smashed the pottery barn (Iraq) and wrecked the family station wagon (the economy). It's not going to get any better any time soon, and it'll be a shame if Democrats get blamed for what's to come.....Republicans broke it, and bought it, they should fix it, and buy us a new car, too....:lol:

Okay folks. After some trial and error, this poll is assuredly a multiple-answer poll so you can choose more than one answer when responding.

G Ketchmark / shesulsa
MT Assist. Administrator
Was he a Babylon 5 geek?

It's funny the nomenclature people come up with to un-techify complex mechanisms. Remember when the term was 'superhighway'? That one even caught on in the media! LOL!
Al Gore claiming to have invented it shot that term all to hell.
Bush misused Iraq intelligence: Senate report

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush and his top policymakers exaggerated Saddam Hussein's links to terrorism and ignored doubts among intelligence agencies about Iraq's arms programs as they made their case for war, a Senate committee reported on Thursday.
The Senate intelligence committee said in a study that major Bush administration statements that Iraq had a partnership with al Qaeda and provided it with weapons training were unsupported by intelligence, and sometimes contradicted it.
It also said statements on Iraq's weapons before the March 2003 U.S.-led invasion were substantiated in most cases by available U.S. intelligence, but that they failed to reflect internal debate over those findings.
The long-delayed Senate study supported previous reports and findings that the administration's main case for war -- that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction -- was inaccurate and deeply flawed.
"This mess in Iraq is not going to end very well."

uh, have you missed the news for the last 6 months?

the surge WORKED

violence is down, the wild areas are tamed, the iraqi government is working, street opinion of the terrorists has gone negative for the first time ever, opinion of US has gone positive

try to keep up, the opinion that 'this is going to fail" is sooooo last year

as far as getting indictments, you notice the overwhelming silence when it is pointed out that if you wanna do that you need to start in the mid 90's with democratic officials?

that lets you know it is just a partisan move, not a search for the truth.

Thats the point isnt it...god damn it we cant let W WIN this one!!! So we will just keep repeating the mantra of defeat.

We will "loose" is we all believe that wars can be won in a matter of months with light losses and and an immediate withdrawal of troops leaving a happy and free society behind.
8 years ago, we had a surplus and cheap gas, and low prices.
Today, we're in debt, gas is at record highs, and prices are skyrocketing.

Can we add the rest of the government to the hangmans list too please?
Today, we're in debt, gas is at record highs, and prices are skyrocketing.

Can we add the rest of the government to the hangmans list too please?

You mean hold the Democratic controlled congress and senate (2 years now by the way) responsible for something as well? NO WAY! It is all Bush's fault!
You mean hold the Democratic controlled congress and senate (2 years now by the way) responsible for something as well? NO WAY! It is all Bush's fault!

Republicans controlled Congress from 1995 to 2006, pretty much. During that time no departments of government have been abolished, no pork-barrel spending has been curtailed, federal spending was not reduced.

IN 1993, the federal debt stood at "just" $4 trillion.When Bush was first inaugurated it stood at about $5 trillion, by his second inauguration it was over $7 trillion, and in 2006 it topped $8 trillion.

Wanna know where it is now? See here. It's over $9 trillion, and climbing at about $1.6 billion a day. That means that each of us tax payers, and our children, and our children's children's children owes the world about an extra $30,000 in taxes.(Note that the "debt clock" does not include the interest we're being charged by foregin governments like China....)

Oooh, yeah, let's blame the Democrats-they'e been in control for two whole years...:rolleyes:

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