... not speedball, oh illustrious one. A speedball is a combination of heroin and cocaine. Sounds like a good way to get your clock cleaned - permanently.
Anyhow, we us boxing drills including double jab, 3-punch, 4-punch, and 5-punch drills shadow boxing and with focus mitts. For beginners the focus mitts offer a nice way to get some target acquisition skills. We also do some bobbing, weaving and slipping with footwork drills.
I think this is important, not so much for our skill set, which it does help, but so we can recognize and deal with the types of fighters in the real world and not fight their fight. We need to be able to distinguish a Tae-Kwon-Do kicker from a grappler or boxer and engage with the appropriate mental construct or range of responses. DON'T TRY TO OUT KICK A KICKER OR OUT BOX A BOXER, DITTO FOR A GRAPPLER. At least not in real self-defense techniques.
We also like heavy bags, tai kickboxing bag (floor to ceiling), but I do not have a 2-ended bag hung right now. I like those because they try to hit back.
Whappity-Whap! It's all good! It ends up being all Kenpo if you are not careful ... or maybe that's my point.