We recently checked through our members list and found a few incomplete sign ups. So, we shot em the following info:
This is a 1-time only mailing to individuals who have not completed their registration. You should have received an email entitled "Action Required to Activate Membership for MartialTalk.Com! "
In that email is a link that will activate your membership and allow you to post and reply to messages on out forums. You must follow the instructions in that email to activate your membership. If you did not receive an activation e-mail, please let me know and I will activate your account manually for you. I need to know your username and the email address you signed up with. Any account not activated within 30 days of sign up will be removed during routine board maintenance.
Due to a typo in some of the emails, the address to report problems was incorrect.
Please include your account name, e-mail address you signed up with in any correspondence.
Basically, any accounts that aren't verified as legit are removed. So, please, when you sign up, use a valid email account, and follow the validation emails instructions. We want you to be able to participate.
This is a 1-time only mailing to individuals who have not completed their registration. You should have received an email entitled "Action Required to Activate Membership for MartialTalk.Com! "
In that email is a link that will activate your membership and allow you to post and reply to messages on out forums. You must follow the instructions in that email to activate your membership. If you did not receive an activation e-mail, please let me know and I will activate your account manually for you. I need to know your username and the email address you signed up with. Any account not activated within 30 days of sign up will be removed during routine board maintenance.
Due to a typo in some of the emails, the address to report problems was incorrect.
Please include your account name, e-mail address you signed up with in any correspondence.
Basically, any accounts that aren't verified as legit are removed. So, please, when you sign up, use a valid email account, and follow the validation emails instructions. We want you to be able to participate.
