Incivility and the left...from glitter bombs to real bombs...

No. You are missing the point.
NC is following Texas trail, sure.

But Ohio has implemented a mandatory ultra sound and 24 hour waiting period to receive birth control...
Gee, and birth control isn't even in the constitution like the right to bear arms, but, you are seemingly OK with those waiting periods...
Do answer me, if you do not mind: Have you ever heard of mandatory prostate exams or genital swabs for men. Ever.

I dare to say your answer is no.

That is messed up.
I mean not that guys are not subjected to it, but that women are.

It's not - primary - about abortion.
It is about curtailing female health care and, yes, bending democratic procedure to fit the agenda.
Except in exceedingly rare cases, abortion is not health care.
European style "health care" is the stated goal, so, lets look at European abortion laws:

Availability: On request

Gestational limit: First three months - in practice often before 12 weeks

Conditions: Must have medical consultation. May be performed after 12 weeks if necessary to avoid serious danger to the woman's physical or mental health; if the child is at risk of being born with a serious physical or mental defect; or if the woman is under 14 years of age.

Availability: On request
Gestational limit: 12 weeks
Conditions: The woman must claim to be in a "state of distress" because of her pregnancy. After 12 weeks, abortions are allowed only if the pregnancy poses a grave danger to the woman's health or there is a risk the child will suffer from a severe illness recognised as incurable. If this is the case, two doctors must confirm the risk to the health of the woman or foetus.

Availability: On request
Gestational limit: 13 weeks
Conditions: A five-day waiting period is required between the initial consultation and the performance of an induced abortion. The procedure must be performed in a licensed hospital or clinic. Abortion is allowed after 13 weeks (up to 24 weeks) if she claims to be in a state of distress.
Gee, much stricter than anything proposed in the US. Where is your outrage?
Not too many Republicans to rail against in Europe...
Sure it is. Noone is beong refused treatment they are requiring further testing. Happens for alot of things

The testing is unnecessary for the procedure. It's like if you had to have a hearing test before getting an appendectomy. If physicians don't do it preparatory to the procedure when not compelled by the state to do so, it's an unnecessary medical procedure.
The testing is unnecessary for the procedure. It's like if you had to have a hearing test before getting an appendectomy. If physicians don't do it preparatory to the procedure when not compelled by the state to do so, it's an unnecessary medical procedure.
So are 7 day waiting periods on gun buys, so are showing my kids SSN card to register him for school when his 3 other siblings already go there, so is a hernia test for a 7 year old to play little league baseball. We do lots of unnesscessary things everyday
so is a hernia test for a 7 year old to play little league baseball. We do lots of unnesscessary things everyday

This is the only one that's health-related, and while it may or may not be a poor use of time and money for the number of problems it detects, people shouldn't be playing baseball with an untreated hernia so it's relevant.
Ha. "Say it three times and it becomes the truth" is something my grandma used to say about people who only see what they want to see. :)

"...what I tell you three times is true." From Alice in Wonderland (Through the Looking Glass, that is).
This is the only one that's health-related, and while it may or may not be a poor use of time and money for the number of problems it detects, people shouldn't be playing baseball with an untreated hernia so it's relevant.
How many 7 year olds are running around with hernias?
You will get more sympathy from me when we remove pointless restrictions on a Constitutional protected right. Then we can talk about removing extra precautions for an elective and unnecessary medical treatment
Gee, much stricter than anything proposed in the US. Where is your outrage?

No, it isn't. The law that was ramrodded in Texas was not about the 20 week restriction, it was about the requirement that abortion clininc doctors were required to be hospital residents, and abortion clinics were required to have surgical centers for that .3% chance that complications resulted, even though a hospital may actually be next door. This is about "conservative" Republicans that refused to compromise on any of the excessively onerous requirements, even though the "liberal" Democrats agreed to back the law if they removed some of them. This is about the Republican majority pushing through what they hope will give them votes from the religious right, even though the Texas District of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists officially wrote up a letter of opposition to the bill.

It isn't about stricter abortion time tables or about women's health. It's all about what they hope will get votes. Oh, and a little bit of nepotism from our fearless leader Mr. Perry. :)

[sarcasm]So, where is your outrage?[/sarcasm]
How many 7 year olds are running around with hernias?
You will get more sympathy from me when we remove pointless restrictions on a Constitutional protected right. Then we can talk about removing extra precautions for an elective and unnecessary medical treatment
Children are not immune from a sports related hernia. Are they?
How many 7 year olds are running around with hernias?

I don't know. It may not be worthwhile but it is on-target. Who mandates it--the school? Insurance?

You will get more sympathy from me when we remove pointless restrictions on a Constitutional protected right.

Oh the irony. What do you think Roe v. Wade means?
I don't know. It may not be worthwhile but it is on-target. Who mandates it--the school? Insurance?
Im not sure its just something we have to get done so we do it. Its not really a big deal just like getting an ultrasound is not a big deal

Oh the irony. What do you think Roe v. Wade means?
What amendment is that? Difference between a Constitutional Amendment and a court ruling is court rulings can be overturned
Roe v. Wade said it's a right found in the 14th amendment. It's as much a right as carrying an assault rifle.

Roe v wade can be overturned by any Supreme court in the future. The 2nd Amendment can not the entire Constitution would have to be amended to get rid of the 2nd.
Roe v wade can be overturned by any Supreme court in the future. The 2nd Amendment can not the entire Constitution would have to be amended to get rid of the 2nd.

Roe v. Wade interprets the 14th like Heller vs D.C. interprets the 2nd. Either could be overturned.
You get your right to own, and keep in your home, some types of firearms from Heller. Had it gone the other way you could've faced lots of restrictions.

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