In the wake of all the Political BS...


MTS Alumni
this is a nice break from thinking about it all to ponder somthing else:

In an unprecedented discovery, NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has found snow falling from clouds on Mars, scientists said Tuesday.
A laser instrument collecting data on how the atmosphere and surface interact on Mars detected snow from clouds about four kilometers (2.5 miles) above the spacecraft's landing site. The date found the snow vaporized before reaching the ground.
Aye, it is always a wonderful thing to recover our sense of perspective :tup:.

I have found at points during my life that the best thing I could do to deal with a situation was to go out under the nght sky and look at the stars or go and sit at my favourite vantage point over a wooded vale.

The travails of a human life suddenly don't seem so overwhelmingly important then.

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