In Praise of British Men.

Something is broken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know. I tried to take myself off of ignore, but for some reason, it didn't work. :)

Sukerkin and Carol, a good accent is hard to beat. I grew up in Texas, but that accent has been largely stripped away with 30 years of living in the Seattle area. I think I probably sound more Canadian than American, anymore... eh? :)

I do like the turn that this thread has taken, even if it's a little tough on my national pride. I googled American Leading Men and the first link was to an article Why Aren't Americans being Cast as Superheros? The conclusion? American leading men just aren't manly enough. Oh no!
OK! I've put up with this nonsense for a whole day and what have you put up to show for it? A few names and a Poncy Prince. For heaven's sake ladies! Why settle for seventh or eighth best. I mean, even the French would have to be better than anything you have thrown up so far. Really, even our NZ friends are way and above anything I've seen so far, not that men really do it for me. :p And all the talk of guys that can't even have a drink without slopping their beer!

So, let's get serious. What does it take to produce the world's finest men? Fresh air, plenty of sunshine, good wholesome food, great beer. Oh! And great looking women! ;) Mmm! Only one place I can think of .....

Now girls, be careful not to drool too much, especially if you are using a keyboard. Take your time, and savour every moment. :)

hey, don't mock my prince!
He flies a hili copter! :inlove:

but I grant you, some hot guys on the All Black....
hey, don't mock my prince!
He flies a hili copter! :inlove:

but I grant you, some hot guys on the All Black....

Ah now rugby players, what can one say other than wow!

When I was in the military and came in from the field, we'd all head up to Canada because the drinking age was 18. Anyway, my Southern accent would attract quite a bit of attention. You ladies and your love of accents... lol.
And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high,
saying, 'Oh, Lord, bless this thy hand grenade that with it thou
mayest blow thy enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.' And the Lord
did grin, and people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and
carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and
fruit bats, and large...

Whenever I hear british accents I can't help but think of this skit.
Why do British guys always play the Imperial brass on Star Wars and Roman emperors?

Cos they are used to not only being in charge but that people expect them to be in charge! The posh people send their sons to Eton (at £30,000 or $47000 per year for 8 years, that's just basic fees without uniform and extras) and other public schools whose sole purpose is to hone their inbred (and I use that word advisedly lol) superiority into making them leaders of men. Considering they run a good many countries (not all Public School boys are British), companies and most of the world it's money well spent.
I know. I tried to take myself off of ignore, but for some reason, it didn't work. :)

Sukerkin and Carol, a good accent is hard to beat. I grew up in Texas, but that accent has been largely stripped away with 30 years of living in the Seattle area. I think I probably sound more Canadian than American, anymore... eh? :)

Hmmm...maybe. Might have to sit you down and make to me :D
:chuckles: And remind we poor Britishers just who the Aussies are again, K-man? You wouldn't happen to be British with more sunshine by any chance? :lol:. And, at root at least, Americans wouldn't happen to be British with more natural resources?

So fear not; you are just as good as we are because you are who we are {just with the cultural advantages removed} :lol:.
Hmmm...maybe. Might have to sit you down and make to me :D

I would suggest, dear lady, that you would not need to try very hard to get a fellow to sit and talk with you :bows:.
Dirty South... Land of Cotton.

Once had a Canadian waitress ask me if I'd ever been to Mayberry. I told her, "Yes, but Andy's not the sheriff any more. Now, Barney's in charge." She believed me.


was she blond?

How did you get a visa to cross the Mason-Dixon line?!

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