In Praise of British Men.


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Having been falsely accused of hating British men I'm here to tell you that having grown up with them, dated them, worked with them and married one they are the best men in the world. They are real blokes, men who aren't insecure and they make great mates in all senses of the word. They aren't 'metrosexuals' they are themselves, they love their families, beer and footie. They are straightforward, still gentlemanly and it seems British women aren't the only one's to appreciate them! After all our men ARE men!

And here's why

See, don't you wish you were Sean Connery, Daniel Craig, Jason Stratham, Vinnie Jones et al?
LOL. Okay. Tez, I never said you hate them. What I did say is that you were painting a pretty bad picture of them, on the whole. You tell some great stories about how British men drink to excess, get into fights with each other, don't think women can do things like teach martial arts, act macho, puff out their chests and many other things.

I'm glad you like the British men. That's good to hear. It's also great to learn that British men ARE men. What exactly does that mean to you?

And I notice you included a few specific examples of what you mean. Sean Connery, Daniel Craig and the rest. That's certainly a collection of manly men. What do you think about guys like David Tennant? My wife prefers the nerd-chic kind of Brit. Is that a little too "metrosexual" for you?
Well we can't all be "James Bond." I guess I'll just have to be happy being the only "me" that has ever existed, or that ever will in the history of the entire universe.

And I still think your a nice person btw, even if I didn't make this years list for greatest guys eva' :cheers:
Well we can't all be "James Bond." I guess I'll just have to be happy being the only "me" that has ever existed, or that ever will in the history of the entire universe.

And I still think your a nice person btw, even if I didn't make this years list for greatest guys eva' :cheers:

Hey it's only February, I shall make you Mr. March! :ultracool
Okay... sooo... not sure what the point of that post was about, Tez. I'll try not to add any more fuel to the fire.

Regarding the topic, my wife does have a thing for some British men. If this were a question on the Newlywed Game, I'd guess the following would be in her top 10:

Clive Owen
David Tennant (He might be number one now)
Ewan McGregor (actually, he might also be number one... honestly, between these top three, I think it's a toss up)
Kenneth Branagh (that's one that goes WAY back)
Colin Firth
Liam Neeson
Patrick Stewart
Sean Bean
Sean Connery
Damian Lewis (who played one of my favorite characters ever in Band of Brothers)

Some runners up would include Alfred Molina and Daniel Day Lewis.

I don't think she goes in for the manly men. Clive has played a few action roles, but I think it's his performances in movies like Children of Men that she likes best.
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:chuckles: That was a fun article to read, Tez :D. Generalisations are always inaccurate of course but we all love to cleave to ourselves generalisations that are so shaped as to make 'us' look good :).

I have shed a great many tears this week, for tragic reasons that those who know me best on this board understand; so it was great to read an article from the newspapers and smile, with just a little shake of the head that says "We're not all as good as we should be, you know".

EDIT: One thing I will add that sometimes, prosaic as it seems to us because we are the way we are and aren't putting on an act, is that an English accent and a decent set of manners goes a long way with the ladies of other nations, the English speaking ones at least. I recall from my short period in Canada just how much attention I would get in bars and restaurants as soon as I opened my mouth :lol:. When you are used to being 'ordinary' it is nice, on occasion, to be thought of as 'exotic' :D.
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Tez forgot this guy:

EDIT: One thing I will add that sometimes, prosaic as it seems to us because we are the way we are and aren't putting on an act, is that an English accent and a decent set of manners goes a long way with the ladies of other nations, the English speaking ones at least.


A well-mannered Brit with a charming accent would have no problem holding my attention :D
Something is broken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sadly I think there is but not to be discussed in public I fear. I have been accused of always putting British men down in most of my posts as well as a few other things so rather than make a fuss or argue I've done what is recommended by the mods. and put him on ignore.
Having been falsely accused of hating British men I'm here to tell you that having grown up with them, dated them, worked with them and married one they are the best men in the world. They are real blokes, men who aren't insecure and they make great mates in all senses of the word. They aren't 'metrosexuals' they are themselves, they love their families, beer and footie. They are straightforward, still gentlemanly and it seems British women aren't the only one's to appreciate them! After all our men ARE men!

I thought British men invented metrosexualism.

Nevermind, apparently it was American Joe Namath. lol
Sadly I think there is but not to be discussed in public I fear. I have been accused of always putting British men down in most of my posts as well as a few other things so rather than make a fuss or argue I've done what is recommended by the mods. and put him on ignore.

LOL....I was more talking about the coding or whatever the hickup was....

but I must be living under a rock...have not heard you hatin on English men...

men you can't act their age, yes...but not nationality specific....
OK! I've put up with this nonsense for a whole day and what have you put up to show for it? A few names and a Poncy Prince. For heaven's sake ladies! Why settle for seventh or eighth best. I mean, even the French would have to be better than anything you have thrown up so far. Really, even our NZ friends are way and above anything I've seen so far, not that men really do it for me. :p And all the talk of guys that can't even have a drink without slopping their beer!

So, let's get serious. What does it take to produce the world's finest men? Fresh air, plenty of sunshine, good wholesome food, great beer. Oh! And great looking women! ;) Mmm! Only one place I can think of .....

Now girls, be careful not to drool too much, especially if you are using a keyboard. Take your time, and savour every moment. :)
I rather like the Beckhams they don't actually take themselves seriously, David is a bloke still and he's just signed for a French team with all his pay going to charity so he's playing for free, nice one!

Of all our British men, I have the softest spot for our servicemen, they are in a class of their own. There's a lot of scallies, they think anything put down is a giz-it, they get rip roaring drunk, always have an answer for everything, usually a funny one at that, they will shag anything with a pulse or at least still warm, they have an appallingly (to the civvies at least) black sense of humour and they are the salt of the earth. Don't drink or play cards with them, is the very useful, still, advice given by the Americans to their troops about ours but really our guys are really the best you could want to work with. Trust them with your life and you won't go wrong. They may take the mickey out of you at every opportunity but give it back and you'll be fine.

Warning don't go on the ARSSE site unless you .....a) have a sense of humour and b) don't mind what is politely known as coarse language! it's great fun though.

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