Having been falsely accused of hating British men I'm here to tell you that having grown up with them, dated them, worked with them and married one they are the best men in the world. They are real blokes, men who aren't insecure and they make great mates in all senses of the word. They aren't 'metrosexuals' they are themselves, they love their families, beer and footie. They are straightforward, still gentlemanly and it seems British women aren't the only one's to appreciate them! After all our men ARE men!
And here's why http://hotbritishmen.tumblr.com/
See, don't you wish you were Sean Connery, Daniel Craig, Jason Stratham, Vinnie Jones et al?
And here's why http://hotbritishmen.tumblr.com/
See, don't you wish you were Sean Connery, Daniel Craig, Jason Stratham, Vinnie Jones et al?