Important Note: The Heartbleed Hit List: The Passwords You Need to Change Right Now

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
In case you've missed the gazillions of notices all over the place, there's a -major- as in "oh ****" major security issue going around. A lot of sites have been effected, major sites.

This link gives you some information on who, what, where, etc.

Here's the short version: Go change your password.
Which password?

All. Of. Them.

This bugs been out for 2 years. There's no way to know who was effected or not. So change your password at your bank, your email, Facebook, even here.

Something else: Don't use the same password on each site.

If you can, mix in letters, upper case, lower case, numbers, and characters.

Be smart, be safe, and please, change those passwords.
The best way to protect yourself against the Heartbleed bug is to not only update your important passwords, but to also make sure you're choosing strong passwords that can't be easily discovered. Here are some tips and tricks to help you create reliable passwords that are impossible to guess.
Yes you should change your passwords, but before you change the password on any site make sure it has been patched. Changing it on an unpatched site does you no good. There is a link I have at my office to check sites and if I am allowed to give it out I will post it here