Immortal Crane

  • Thread starter Thread starter paihequan
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The KOBGK Paihequan Wuyangkuan is proudly affiliated to the Immortal White Crane of Taiwan's Sifu Dong Mu-Yau (See Jul/Aug Issue of "Kungfu Qigong" Magazine for an article on Master Dong Mu-Yau)

Additional info can be found at:

There are 6 main Forms taught: Sleeping Crane, Calling Crane, Flying Crane, Preying Crane, Shalking Crane and Playing Crane.

The name of the 6 forms from Sleeping to Playing Crane has certain philosophical meaning in Chinese, as natural phenomenon, to have energy/qi to start with, the crane has to sleep first. When Crane wakes up in the morning, first thing he will do is to 'call' as to soothing the qi. Then the Crane has to fly, then to eat(prey). After he is done with eating, he shakes (like dog gets out the water, shakes around to get rid of the water type) to relax. Finally, the Crane is happy and playful. It ends with playing as a Chinese outlook for life.

Fighting is application/function but not the purpose of life.

Do you have experience with other systems that have incorporated crane? Do you feel the other systems are missing the mark in there interpetation? For instance Kenpo has the 5 animals woven into it. Crane being one of them. Hung Gar has it's famous Tiger and Crane, but incorporates crane throughout. Other sytems have done the same. Could you point out and discuss the main points of studying Crane?


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