IMAF, Inc Camp in Connecticut (July)

Naw...I was thinking a big circle, but then we hit each other with sticks. :)

That of course means, not everyone hits -me-.... at the same time.

Originally posted by Mao
I guess it WAS a poor visual..................:rolleyes:
We all have our crosses. See you soon?


I was hoping to drop by on Saturday :D

I have a busy shcedule for work right now, and I have to be here Friday, and Saturday Night is a retirement party :( so I can only stay part of Saturday.

I was hoping to stop by and see old friends, make a new one or two, and pay my respects to Dr. Schea again :)

Am I welcome?
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Naw...I was thinking a big circle, but then we hit each other with sticks. :)

That of course means, not everyone hits -me-.... at the same time.


In Our club we call this the circle of pain. WHat starts at one point goes around the circle to the starting point :) This can be done empty handed as well :D MOre students come back this way :eek: :rofl:
Of course you are welcome! I would like to spend more time talking with you this time. Maybe we could sit down so I wouldn't have to strain my neck looking up.
Dan Mc.
Originally posted by WhoopAss
Hey, what's going on between Kaith and Mao ????????

How come I don't get a cut of the action ??

:mad: :mad:


The Check is in the Mail ;)

Honest :idunno:
On behalf of Brian Zawilinski and our entire Connecticut crew, we invite all persons from all organizations to attend our Connecticut camp 7/31-8/3. Individual session pricing is available.

We look forward to training with friends old and new. We are also planning a special evening session for Saturday.

Flyer is available at


Brett Salafia
Originally posted by modarnis
On behalf of Brian Zawilinski and our entire Connecticut crew, we invite all persons from all organizations to attend our Connecticut camp 7/31-8/3.
Brett Salafia


My personal thanks for the invitation. I have been in communication with Brian recently about getting together at some upcoming camp. This one I won't attend as $ is the main consideration. So far no one has donated me free flyer coupons. Dang! My PR agent hasn't been doing his job! You guys up there have a great camp and let us know how it went.

Dan Anderson
If I were to go to this one then that would be 3 events in one month, and my Fiance' would have to casterate me! :eek:


he's funny cause it's true.....

Make sure you give us a review, though, so I'll know what I missed.

Originally posted by modarnis
On behalf of Brian Zawilinski and our entire Connecticut crew, we invite all persons from all organizations to attend our Connecticut camp 7/31-8/3. Individual session pricing is available.

We look forward to training with friends old and new. We are also planning a special evening session for Saturday.

Flyer is available at


Brett Salafia

Brian is a nice guy. Will someone pass on my respects and a simple HI from me to him? :)

Thank You

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