IMAF, Inc Camp in Connecticut (July)

Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Brian is a nice guy. Will someone pass on my respects and a simple HI from me to him? :)

Thank You

Just another bump as this camp is just a week from today. Rich, I will convey your respects to Brian Zawilinski when I get there. This should be a fun camp.

Take care,
Thanks to all who attended the Connecticut Camp. We had an excellent turnout. The MOTT did a great job presenting a wide range of techniques. Great emphasis was placed on footwork and proper alignment in techniqes with or without weapons.

One of the highlights was a round robin tapi tapi session with each master contributing techniques from a basic posture. Beginners and veteran players found this session particularly informative.

Friday morning, Master Richard Roy used his extensive internal arts background to connect Modern Arnis concepts. He did footwork drills and a Modern Ar.nis variation of push hands to illustrate his concepts.

Guro Roland Rivera presented a section on footwork and angling built from siniwali boxing drill. By removing the slap away cue, he made the drill flow realistically for partner training.

Guro's Wayne Tanguay and Brett Salafia presented a session on Palis Palis. The basic drill was connected to passing/go with the force concepts for empty hand self defense applications.

Saturday evening, after demonstrations by the Middletown Kenpo and Connecticut Kenpo kids demo teams, the camp changed venues to Lesley Spindler and Guro Brett Salafia's residence for a dinner/social gathering. New friends were made and old friends had time to catch up over a feast of fried turkey, steaks, salads and a huge variety of desserts.

The camp closed with a formal testing/review session. THe Connecticut crew is already looking ahead to next year

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