I'ma in doubt can anyone help me


Senior Master
I am very confused about the electronic hogu and now the electronic helmet. As I know there are two electronic hogus, the adidas hogu has no outside sensors this means every hard blow (no matter punch or kick) scores one point, in the other hand the lajust e-hogu has outside sensors that in order tho give a point the fighter must kick hard with some kind of e-socks that has sensors in the instep and the heel.

Here are my questions:

1.-Are adidas e-hogus been used in competitions? how have they worked? good or bad?

2.-The lajust e-hogu if one fighter kicks hard but with a prt of the foot that is not coveres with the sensors gives the point?
Some guy told me that even a good punch scores a point with the lajust hogus but as long as I recall there are no e-gloves (covered with sensors to conetc with sensores of the hogu) so a puch is my understanding that does not score a opint.

3.-What can tell me about the e-helmet, daedo make them if I recall.


The Adidas has been used in other countries and have had great reviews from some. The main point about Adidas is they can adjust the power to accomadate wieght class and age, also the bad thing is even if you make contact with the knee a point goes up.

The La Just is just bad and they have and are being used at the USAT events here in the states, one bad point is not enough sensors in the Hogu so all kicks will not be given a point, back kicks and such need to be scored by the corner judges because they have no sensors on the bottom of the sock and if they do they just do not work. The bad thing about LaJust is this we are still relaying an people to score to many of the kicks and not the sysytem so why bother....

I truely believe they are never going to get this right for the simple reason not enough money out there for companies to get enough return on investment. We need to find alternative to scoring that will bring a fair and equal game to all competitors, the LaJust system is about 85.00 for the socks and anothe 500.00-600.00 for the hogu and not everyone can offord it. Starting in 2011 every competitor needs to have there own for competition because the USAT will not be providing them anymore.
Well, I think the adidas is good so you don't have to wear a special socks and even with bare hand you can score a punch, the bad thing is that an elbow or knee can score points.

The lajust is not so right cause for kicks with the sole of the foot like in back kick it simple does not score, so the punches no score too and no matter the kick is good if the sensors of the sock does not meet the sensors in the hogu in a correct way tere is no point.

As Terry wrote the e-aquipment are too expensive and I believe they can be worn out pretty easily because of the electronic componentes.

Lets face it, a dojang with maybe 40 or 50 students at leas must have 2 pair of hogus for small children, 2 pair of hogus for medium children, 2 pair for of hogus for mall frame adult, 2 pair of hogus for medium frame adulto and 2 more pair of hogus for large frame adults, here we are talking of BIG BUCKS!!! cause at 600 american dollars plus imports fee WOW I just think we are going to use standard equipment for a long time.

HighDef vs. Blu-Ray...and Sony is 1-1
LOL, more like PAL SECAM or whatever it is.

I would think that it would be more productive to get everybody n one page. The again...what do I know