I'm so ashamed

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
And its not you...its me..... but its mostly you.....basically... what I'm trying to say her is...its MTs fault... all this talk about Xingyiquan lately.... and in front of a recovering Xingyi addict....you guys are cruel.......Last night...AND this morning.....I found myself......dare I say it...... training 5 elements striking on a heavy back from a stationary stance.....knees and hips will not allow me to do the foot work.... one of my sifu's showed me stationary striking drills and YUP!!!! That is what I was doing.....Just when you think you are out...they PULL YOU BACK IN!!!!!

I hope you're all happy so OBNOXIOUSY PLEASED with yourselves

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DANG IT!!!!! Did it again today............first slow for proper form and then on the heavy bag....AFTER doing taijiquan
Remember, form becomes function. Once you stop seeing it as something outside your norm, it truly will be a way of life.
Holy Piquan Batman Its the Xingyi signal
To the basement Guan to do some Xingyiquan :D

You guys are NOT supportive at all.

Actually, it has gotten worse......last night I found myself analyzing the basic applications of the different versions of Hengquan that I know
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