I'm gona take HPK


Senior Master
Good afthernoon all, last night I went to a TKD/HKD Dojan a litte far from my office, this dojan is from an old friend of mine from my early days in TKD, now he owns and runs his own dojan. We had a nice chat about the old days (when we were TKD teens) and he give me thumbs up to try Hap ki Do lessons with him.

I told my friend that I will be glad to lern from him but not interested about ranking belts and that's stuff, i only want to learn some hap ki do moves to increase my knowledge in MA and SD, my friend glady took my words.

My goal is to stay in mi TKD dojan training TKD Tuesday and thurday nights and to go hap kido classes monday and wensday nights.

Wish me luck and good learning.

Good luck! You know, the belts are a good way to insure you get the whole curriculum...if you get serious about it, consider it!
Good luck! You know, the belts are a good way to insure you get the whole curriculum...if you get serious about it, consider it!

You are right, however right now I only want to try HKD and maybe if I feel confortable with it and want to get a HKD currciulum the go for the ranking and certification. Now I want to learn, have a nice time on it and who knows? maybe with time go for the ranking promo.

Sounds great, congrats! Hapkido and TKD go very well together, and are a great combo to study and cross train. A lot of TKD schools even include some Hapkido in their curriculum; I know mine does. Have fun with those air rolls!
Air rolls!!! Now thats funny. Air rolls fun.... landing wrong painfull!!!!

Good luck with Hapkido. Please update us and let us know how you did!
Good for you Manny!

All my best to you as you begin this piece of your journey.
There is something I forgot to tell you. The HPD sambunim (also a 3 dan in TKD) told me that I will need to get rid of my TKD, I mean, he told me HPD is completly diferent and I would need to reset my mind and put away all my tkd so I can understand and learn HKD, it sounds funny cause waht I know of HKD is this MA is something like Aikido but with kicks.

All I can say is at some point one wins out. For years I was TKD and did HKD and finally it went the other way. My TKD is clearly very HKDish now. Not wrong or right but just a fact. At some point a clear style will be your base and flavor any thing else you do.

Dave O.
Shortly after starting TKD (yellow belt) my instructor began teaching HKD so I grew up with both. I did not find it that great of a shift from TKD to HKD. The kicks are a little different,yes, but they are used for different things. Most everything else in circles, not linear like TKD, and is softer. You have mentioned several times how much you like self defense work. I think that you'll have a blast!! Please let us know how it went.
The fact is I want to traing some HPK cause my TKD classes don't teach self defense, it's almost kicking so I want to learn how to defend myself. It would be that I get hook on HKD and that's nice and took it (HKD) very seriusly or, just take some good technikes of HKD and incorpore them to my TKD.
