I'm going to be in a magazine


2nd Black Belt
I got a call from my father today that we are going to be featured in some sort of magazine. A photojournalist for Western Kentucky U. called the YMCA about doing a photo essay on a swim class for babies. The director told the person that he had a father and son in charge of a long running martial arts program, and they decided they'd rather feature us. Apparently multi-generational martial arts instructors are cooler than swimming babies. Dad is emailing me the contact info when he gets off work, I'm going to call the person tomorrow and get more info. The photo shoot is set for my tuesday night class.

Mods - if this goes somewhere else, please move it to the right spot.
So it turns out the photographer could only stick around for about 40 minutes of first class, all the students of the workshop had to be at the community college at 7:30. And only FOUR people showed for beginners class. Great. He got a lot of pictures, and my kids showed up a few minutes in after their first swim lessons, so he got pics of the 3rd generation, the 2 future students/black belts/hopefully ones that let me retire from teaching one day. No idea when I'll see pictures. As soon as I am able to see them on the web, I'll be posting them for everyone to see.

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