I'm Ba-a-a-ack!


MT Mentor
I just got back from a week of training with my kung-fu brother/instructor in Austin, Texas. It was a very good experience, culminating in testing a couple of second-degree instructor candidates. As one of the senior visiting instructors, I was selected to spar with them for the final stage of their test. After my near career-ending back injury last Spring I had my doubts. But I found out (as did the guys who were being tested) that I'm not done yet!

Of course these rank tests are not about "brutalizing" a student, but rather to put them under pressure so that they learn that they can "take it" and keep coming back ...even if they are overmatched. It's more about determination and attitude than technique. The candidate goes in uncertain of their abilities and comes out a bit battered but confident, since they didn't give in or give up. Both of the candidates did a fine job and earned their promotion.

What I didn't realize until later reflection, was that my selection to test them was also a test for me. Not a rank test, but a mental test. Ever since my injury last March, I've been lacking in confidence and overly cautious. The head of our organization is also my kung fu brother and a good friend. He could see this, and by having me take the role as the "boss" the testing candidates had to go up against put me to the test as well and re-built my confidence. It's a great feeling to be back in the game.
I just got back from a week of training with my kung-fu brother/instructor in Austin, Texas. It was a very good experience, culminating in testing a couple of second-degree instructor candidates. As one of the senior visiting instructors, I was selected to spar with them for the final stage of their test. After my near career-ending back injury last Spring I had my doubts. But I found out (as did the guys who were being tested) that I'm not done yet!

Good to hear your back is holding up and getting stronger. Did you drove to Austin? I'm about 90 miles north of Junction and I-10, would be awesome to have the honor to meet you.
I just got back from a week of training with my kung-fu brother/instructor in Austin, Texas. It was a very good experience, culminating in testing a couple of second-degree instructor candidates. As one of the senior visiting instructors, I was selected to spar with them for the final stage of their test. After my near career-ending back injury last Spring I had my doubts. But I found out (as did the guys who were being tested) that I'm not done yet!

Of course these rank tests are not about "brutalizing" a student, but rather to put them under pressure so that they learn that they can "take it" and keep coming back ...even if they are overmatched. It's more about determination and attitude than technique. The candidate goes in uncertain of their abilities and comes out a bit battered but confident, since they didn't give in or give up. Both of the candidates did a fine job and earned their promotion.

What I didn't realize until later reflection, was that my selection to test them was also a test for me. Not a rank test, but a mental test. Ever since my injury last March, I've been lacking in confidence and overly cautious. The head of our organization is also my kung fu brother and a good friend. He could see this, and by having me take the role as the "boss" the testing candidates had to go up against put me to the test as well and re-built my confidence. It's a great feeling to be back in the game.

Best we can do is deal with and learn from our injuries, glad to hear your back at it
Good to hear your back is holding up and getting stronger. Did you drove to Austin? I'm about 90 miles north of Junction and I-10, would be awesome to have the honor to meet you.

An honor to meet me? You definitely have me confused with somebody else! LOL But anyway I flew this time. It's a killer day-and-a-half drive from Phoenix to to Austin, but it looks like you could make it to Austin from Junction in a couple of hours, and not much longer down to San Antonio. You are lucky to be so close to a lot of WT and WC people, and some of them are really good. Way better than me. Still, thanks for the kind words.
Thread pun, not bad haha !
Nice to hear your doing well, take your time, no rush... you could end up back on your ...... back. :)
I'm sure your humility only makes it all that much more of an honor. :)

An honor to meet me? You definitely have me confused with somebody else! LOL But anyway I flew this time. It's a killer day-and-a-half drive from Phoenix to to Austin, but it looks like you could make it to Austin from Junction in a couple of hours, and not much longer down to San Antonio. You are lucky to be so close to a lot of WT and WC people, and some of them are really good. Way better than me. Still, thanks for the kind words.

I just got back from a week of training with my kung-fu brother/instructor in Austin, Texas. It was a very good experience, culminating in testing a couple of second-degree instructor candidates. As one of the senior visiting instructors, I was selected to spar with them for the final stage of their test. After my near career-ending back injury last Spring I had my doubts. But I found out (as did the guys who were being tested) that I'm not done yet!

That is good news.
Joy Chaudhuri

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