IKKA Website

Thank you. :)

I can relate to the customer choices...course, I'm my own worst customer. :D

The idea is to fit the design to the customer...I think alot of design companies get excited on what they can do and want to crowbar it into something, when the customer wants something else. Of course, there are those clients who want e-bay on a geocities budget. (I tried paying my visa bill with the lessons I got in trade once...they said no.) ;)

Check out Dreamweaver MX...its got some nice flash integration and makes pure html code. Frontpage is ok, but has its share of problems. Feel free to toss any questions my way or pop over to our tech forum (just opened, so real quiet now) http://silverstarsites.net/forum/

I know theres at least 4 or 5 other web designers on here, and possibly 1 other host, so maybe we can do just that... pull some parts outta here and get a good 'martial arts sites on the web how-to' thread going. Plus, then those folks with websites can get a little more millage outta em. :)

Originally posted by GouRonin

The new IKKA website is

Man, the porno site was much better. And more professionally done. From what I hear... :)

Someone call them and tell them they have an ugly site with a lot of broken links and a suspiciously little amount of info.

I'd do it but I'd get in trouble, and I'm probably already in trouble for what I just said. :eek:

But thanks Gou, I may have to put that link up for our studio. I don't know if I will put it back up on my site or not. :shrug:
It would be nice to see them update the site. It has so much potential
Originally posted by brianhunter
It would be nice to see them update the site. It has so much potential

There is a lot in the way of spelling errors. Such as spelling the names of their representatives wrong. Or the fact that they have a nordic country flag beside the reps name from England. It would not hurt for someone to go over the website and get it checked for spelling and clarity as well and other errors. But at least it's up.
There used to be a Family Tree that would come in Book 1 which was of Mr. Parker's black belts and it was fairly current at the time, and probably hasn't changed much since. I noticed the site has what i guess is supposed to be a link for the family tree but there is NOTHING there. Anyone know about this family tree I speak of, or where to find one resembling it????:confused:
Originally posted by WilliamTLear

I know some of the facts, because I was there when it happened. The credit for finding out the information on John Gottlieb lies with Kirk. He da man! The Super Spy Killah of da Kenpo Clan in Texas (Not to be confused with the Klan of course).

Take Care,
Billy Lear

I knew it, Kirk was up to no good! He pulled the wool over everybodies eyes.

Rookie was of the year, phooey, give it back!:soapbox: