IKKA Website "My name is Ed Parker-

Originally posted by Kirk

LOL! Great critique! Honest. Blunt but not insulting. Humorous.
Hint of lemon :mad: ... Must be a New York thing.

You can tell from the pizza stains in the margins :)
ugh...the dreaded lens flare...

when will it stop being used?

this site will probably make to the next episode of "when javascript goes bad"
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
My old site was "When animatd GIF's go bad" And in all fairness, I must admit that images of old Monty Python Cartoons came to mind when Mr. Parker moved his hands.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

It wasn't Frontpage. :)

amen brother....i stopped doing my instructor's website because i took a new job...so he gets a guy who does it in frontpage....it looks terrible, among other things. i can't look at it...it's like hearing someone scratch their nails on a chalkboard...
Originally posted by Kirk

Hehehehehe, Ian, I never claimed to be an expert, did I?

"Profession: Computer Programmer"

No? Maybe you should go work at McDonald's then Kirk :p

As I can recall, this is the second site that's looked far better than
yours that you've dogged on.

The first being the new IKKA one and the second one being yours? You think they both look better than mine?

Hmm. subjective I suppose. I'd love to see your curtains....

So I WILL lecture you little boy, because you have a terrible ego problem.

/me is ammused.

I have an "ego problem" do I? Now there's an interesting choice of phrase. I offer an educated critique on the design of a website, and all of a sudden it's an "ego problem"? Hrmm.

Not only have you ragged on sites that look better than yours,
you've also chosen to rag on my country, often.

As I recall, twice (well, once actually.). Hardly often. Also, only once seriously, and the other time in jest. The first time, when I got back from my trip to America (recall I said that I'd really enjoyed it, found it a delighful place full of great people, and would definitely go back), I made a couple of *silly* comments about, for example, the amount of adverts on the TV. This was a joke, no-one would be offended by that unless they had no sense of humour whatsoever! Do you not Kirk?

The second time, I said that I didn't agree with the gun laws in America. American pride kicked in in about 30 seconds, and it turned into a **** slinging match, as these things are prone to do.

I quite enjoyed that one, it was fun :)

The situation is the same ... 2nd world country ragging on a first world country. I think there's an element of ego, and/or jealousy involved here.

Oh my, this is my favourite bit of all. It's meant to be /me/ who has an "ego problem", yet you call America a 1st world country, and England a 2nd world country, and insinuate what? That I'm some how jelous that you live in America, land of the free? Living the American Dream? What, I don't quite get what you're driving at here.

It seems to be a 'look at America. America good. Everywhere else bad. We're better than you' kind of statement, with no real grounding. And no real grounding in fact I might add, since Britain certainly is not a "second world country".

I should check your facts if I were you, because you're embarassing yourself.

Your experience is nothing but regurgitation of what some
high school/college professor has told you ... live in the real
world for some time before acting like an expert.

Because, of course, you know me so well, and am familiar with what experience I do or don't have? Not really do you.

This is your doubting the skills, and the statement, so I'll indulge
you. Professionally I program in VB, NATURAL, MVSJCL, CICS,
COBOL, and ASP. In addition, I've been trained in, C, C++, SQL,
ADA, "old school" BASIC, RPG, PL1, HTML, VBS, and JavaScript.

Nope, I was asking out of genuine curiosity, idling wondering if you'd claim to be either trained in HTML or involved with creating web content for a living.

Originally posted by satans.barber

There are no thumbnails so that people on 56K connections (remember that cable and broadband uptake has been a lot slower outside the states) can simply choose which larger images to view, rather they will have to wait approximatly 4 minutes for that page to render.

Must remember this thumbnails thing for my webpage... and I'm on a 56k connection. Shame on me. :(

But hey, sometimes a good javascript menu works better than a text one :)
Originally posted by satans.barber

"Profession: Computer Programmer"

No? Maybe you should go work at McDonald's then Kirk :p

Expert at web design. Think before you type next time.

Originally posted by satans.barber

The first being the new IKKA one and the second one being yours? You think they both look better than mine?

/me is ammused.

Mr Billings site as I recall. Drugs must be free in the UK

Nice use of IRC script language "/me". Are you gonna impress
me with more of your infinite knowledge?

Originally posted by satans.barber
I have an "ego problem" do I? Now there's an interesting choice of phrase. I offer an educated critique on the design of a website, and all of a sudden it's an "ego problem"? Hrmm.

Educated where? Real world experience or some book? There
IS a difference. If you had the two, you'd know that. And YES ...
ego problem. I suggest seeing a professional as that's all I get
to see in your posts. And you didn't offer, you gave, quite rudely
at that ... BOTH times.

Originally posted by satans.barber

As I recall, twice (well, once actually.). Hardly often. Also, only once seriously, and the other time in jest. The first time, when I got back from my trip to America (recall I said that I'd really enjoyed it, found it a delighful place full of great people, and would definitely go back), I made a couple of *silly* comments about, for example, the amount of adverts on the TV. This was a joke, no-one would be offended by that unless they had no sense of humour whatsoever! Do you not Kirk?

The second time, I said that I didn't agree with the gun laws in America. American pride kicked in in about 30 seconds, and it turned into a **** slinging match, as these things are prone to do.

I quite enjoyed that one, it was fun :)

I remember it differently, but if you choose to remember it that
way, fine. I remember it as you THINKING you were right and
taking pride in it. What it was is that everyone just let it go, and
commenced to laughing at you (and your socks) on PM's.

Originally posted by satans.barber

Oh my, this is my favourite bit of all. It's meant to be /me/ who has an "ego problem", yet you call America a 1st world country, and England a 2nd world country, and insinuate what? That I'm some how jelous that you live in America, land of the free? Living the American Dream? What, I don't quite get what you're driving at here.

Yeah .. that's why Blair spends every free minute with his nose
up the president's ****. What's England's current nuclear

Are you doubting land of the free? What are you insinuating
here? I do insinuate you're jealous. We have more freedom,
better weather, more EPAK. But, that's right, you study ultra
supreme EPAK, right?

Originally posted by satans.barber

It seems to be a 'look at America. America good. Everywhere else bad. We're better than you' kind of statement, with no real grounding. And no real grounding in fact I might add, since Britain certainly is not a "second world country".

I should check your facts if I were you, because you're embarassing yourself.

Okay, lets look at facts. What was the last skirmish "Great"
Britain had that the U.S. didn't have to become involved in?
Falkland Islands? Oh no, we bailed you out of that one too ...
you couldn't handle the commies.

Originally posted by satans.barber

Because, of course, you know me so well, and am familiar with what experience I do or don't have? Not really do you.

Profession: Student

Told me enough. Perhaps it'sYOU that works at Mc Donald's?

Originally posted by satans.barber

Nope, I was asking out of genuine curiosity, idling wondering if you'd claim to be either trained in HTML or involved with creating web content for a living.

Yeah, sure ya were. First you assume that I claim to be an
expert, then you were wondering. I'll buy that for a dollar .. NOT!
But since you love to convey that you know so much .. how about
telling me what I DO do for a living? Can you make heads or
tails out of it, or did you not get to it all in school yet?
All of this because of how a website looks? Geez, you two should both grow up.
Originally posted by Kirk
Mr Billings site as I recall. Drugs must be free in the UK

When I said he ould overhaul his site, Mr. Billings said:

"Email me suggestions for the overhaul." (copied from the archive, not from memory)

So only then did I suggest some improvements he could make (which he implemented and seemed to enjoy making, I think his site's a lot easier to use now). I never " quite rudely" gave him information as you like to put it.

Educated where? Real world experience or some book? There
IS a difference. If you had the two, you'd know that.

Academic institutions + self learning + real world exprience.

I remember it differently, but if you choose to remember it that
way, fine.

There's an archive, you don't have to "remember" anything!

I remember it as you THINKING you were right and
taking pride in it.

What I remember is wondering how you can ever have a debate if some people enter it with a 'the American way is the *only* way' attitude.

What it was is that everyone just let it go, and
commenced to laughing at you (and your socks) on PM's.

If someone got a laugh at the expense of my socks, that's brilliant! I like making people laugh, but it's usually harder work than that.

Yeah .. that's why Blair spends every free minute with his nose
up the president's ****. What's England's current nuclear

There are ~56 million people in Britain, and Mr. Blair is but one man. Most of us don't like him, and it's a constant source of irritation to the British that as our PM, he spends more time, as you put it, "with his nose up the president's ****" than he does over here tending to /our/ needs. His opinions, and actions, do not acurately represent the British vox. pop. I assure you.

As for nukes, I honestly don't know. I'm not that obsessed with war games.

Are you doubting land of the free?


What are you insinuating here?

That you're a nationalist.

I do insinuate you're jealous.

Of what exactly? Be more verbose.

We have more freedom,
better weather, more EPAK. But, that's right, you study ultra
supreme EPAK, right?

Nope, Kempo Ryu.

Okay, lets look at facts. What was the last skirmish "Great"
Britain had that the U.S. didn't have to become involved in?
Falkland Islands? Oh no, we bailed you out of that one too ...
you couldn't handle the commies.

If there's one thing that really get's on my f**king tits it's Americans making out that they somehow did us a FAVOUR by joining in World War Two. MAYBE IF YOU'D JOINED IN A BIT SOONER SO MANY LIVES WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN NEEDLESSLY LOST. THE FACT THAT YOU CAME IN HALF WAY THOUGH IS NOTHING TO BE PROUD OF.

The second world war memorial in New York City has the dates 1941-1945 on. I took a picture of it when I saw it in case anyone's never seen it:


That's 1939-1945, and if i'd had a chisel with me, I might've had a go at it for you.

Profession: Student

Told me enough. Perhaps it'sYOU that works at Mc Donald's?

Actually, I work in a library.

Yeah, sure ya were. First you assume that I claim to be an
expert, then you were wondering. I'll buy that for a dollar .. NOT!
But since you love to convey that you know so much .. how about
telling me what I DO do for a living? Can you make heads or
tails out of it, or did you not get to it all in school yet?

Can I make heads of VB and ASP? Sorry, no, "I'm not worthy". </sarcasm>

"Expert at web design. Think before you type next time."

Are you!? I've just registered here to reply to you as I think you need a few points explaining to you!

What have you done? Show me something you are proud of.

"Mr Billings site as I recall. Drugs must be free in the UK"

Yeah, whatever. Slagging off other people because of where they live while displaying your lack of knowledge about anything outside your backyard is low. Really low. (and yes, medicinal drugs are cheap here because we have a governemnt system that slightly cares about it's country, as opposed to your shambles of a country where your president is so concerned about money that he agress to rip up several natural wonders for oil and wood)

"Nice use of IRC script language "/me". Are you gonna impress
me with more of your infinite knowledge?"

Your html pure tosh. I'd rather see irc commands than rows of &nbsp;s in html.

"Yeah .. that's why Blair spends every free minute with his nose
up the president's ****. What's England's current nuclear
arsenal? "

You insuld Blair, while your monkey is doing what exactly? Please tell me something that your monkey has done that your country is proud of. He is an absolute moron with the wit of a dried piece of bread.
Do you define a country's success by the number of nukes? You really need to get out more and read some things about the world. You are one sad git.

"Okay, lets look at facts. What was the last skirmish "Great"
Britain had that the U.S. didn't have to become involved in?
Falkland Islands? Oh no, we bailed you out of that one too ...
you couldn't handle the commies."

You ignorant *****. Do you really know jack about your country's history? Infact, do you even know that there is a whole world out there beyond America's borders. You do realise that not everyone worships your country's values don't you.

"Profession: Student
Told me enough. Perhaps it'sYOU that works at Mc Donald's?"

I too am a student. I have lots of experience. I have been able to code better websites than your for many many years. So what does that mean?

Now, there are lots of things I like about your country (the environment is great, I hope the precous wouders last long enough for others to see. Only in the USA would a huge powerstaion be built next to one of your country's most impressive natural features meaning that on most days it is so misty that you cannot see it. (the Grand Canyon). You can see your smog for miles away (LA was visible about 100 miles away, only beacause of the smog that to me /is/ the American culture in so many ways). There are some things I hate, ignorant f*cks that haven't got a clue about jack and think they are superior because they have a monkey as a president are probably up there (along with cabbies from las vegas, who are up there too!)

Right, I'm going to go back under my shell and never emerge again I guess.
Okay, two pistols at twenty paces on this one. Or maybe the mat. Shees it's like a school yard fight. Only it's the 21st century so they sit across from eachother with lap tops. Well I'm calling both of your mothers! You both use computers, cool! Better then I can, cool! At least we can agree on that! But keep it up, it's very entertaining, from the outside that is. (Chuckles)
Please keep the discussion polite and respectful. Consider taking personal issues that will not be of interest to the board as a whole to e-mail or PM.

-MT Admin-
As a reminder to our readers who have gotten lost in the last several exchanges of fire, the topic here is the new IKKA web site, found at http://www.ikka.us/

While I tend to both agree and disagree with many of the comments made, they are outside the scope of this particular thread.

Anyone wishing to continue with the history or political comments, please take it to PM, or to the Locker Room.
There we can figure out if WW2 started at pearl harbor, the invasion of poland, or the reoccupation of the rhineland.


WOW! aren't kenpo people amazing!?

we can argue with each other about any subject known to man. what should we all argue about next? how about who's hotter — britney spears or christina aguilera?

hell...we could make a board game out of it and make millions...and then argue with each other about how we will split the money up

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by arnisador

"The use of COBOL dulls the mind, and therefore its teaching should be banned as a criminal offense." -Edsgar Dijkstra

You, nor Mr. Dijkstra will get no argument from me on that one!
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz

Anyone wishing to continue with the history or political comments, please take it to PM, or to the Locker Room.
There we can figure out if WW2 started at pearl harbor, the invasion of poland, or the reoccupation of the rhineland.

No problem! Reply now posted in the locker room.
I have always loved or appreciated the graphics on flash sites, and do on the IKKA one also.

I cleaned mine up because I am on a cable modem going just a little faster than a T-1 line and forgot what 28 K felt like, I was seriously graphics heavy by choice, since it was a reference for my students only, that somehow grew into a thesis for 4th Black, that kept growing into a reference for other Kenpoist. Check it out now, it should all load much faster, although I still have some work to do.

I am just glad the IKKA is back on line in a functional way. They are still "the Source" of the Art in a weird kinda way, even if a lot of us are not affliated with them any more, most of us wore their patch at one time or another.

Give it up guys! Kudos to the web meisters.

I have just visited the IKKA site and have to agree with satans.barber. Most of the pages lack a navigational bar/index/whatever, so you have to keep up clicking the back button and going to the "welcome" thing, which is slow as hell on a 56k connection.

Moreover, I have problems with some of the pages/images on them. But, as they say in there, they haven't finished the job. Hope they'll fix the problems soon.

I know though, this site isn't going to make it to my list of favorites.

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