
Seig and his opponent -back to back


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Seig with the center ring judge from our sparring division in the Real Sex (Not Red Sox) Shirt.. having some words ..


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Originally posted by KenpoTess
Jani (FUZZYJ692000) in red helmet -ready to do some damage ...

What can I say I was getting a little fustrated. The next best thing was to knocked the girl out to win that match and I'm too nice to actually knock somebody out....that picture does however make me look really evil....kind of funny to look at the expressions on some of our faces
Correct me if I'm wrong, but they're way to many people on the floor, and I'll bet many of them had no business being there?
Originally posted by RCastillo
Correct me if I'm wrong, but they're way to many people on the floor, and I'll bet many of them had no business being there?

Actually, you're right. At one point during people's sparring and forms they came across the loud speaker for everything to come to a hault and had security come through and clear the floor. It got a little out of their hands....i do believe one of our girls was on the floor doing her form at the time and totally blew her concentration. They needed ropes or something. I know during my form some guy in uniform walked straight across my ring and the judges were yelling and waving at him to get him off the floor. Lucky for me I was in my own zone and it was a blur at the time but man that really was ridiculious. :asian:
Originally posted by True2Kenpo

Thank you for the congrats! It really means alot!

Josh, you guys did a great job and the recognition both in public and in private is well deserved for your efforts. No need to thank me for it, Just putting that kind of spirit out there for everyone to be inspired by is thanks enough.
