If your life was a movie, would soundtrack would it have?

Opening Credits: Boulevard of Broken dreams
Waking Up: Here comes the rain again
First Day at School: Somebody Save me
Falling in Love: Endless love
Fight Song: Michael meyes theme
Breaking Up: Don't shed a tear
Getting Back Together: Reunited
Life is Good: I'm Happy
Mental Breakdown: Bang your head
Driving: Mighty Wings
Flashback: Back in time
Sex Scene: Rock you like a hurricane
Wedding: Here and now
The Night Before The War: Rocky theme
Final Battle: Gettysburg Pickett's Charge
Moment of Triumph: We are the champions
Death Scene: Death of Optimus Prime theme (cartoon movie-80's)
Funeral Song: In the end
End Credits: Fly to the Angels
Something happy but not loud... ;)
At church: Händel Messiah - Hallelujah
When I pass test/exam: stars and stripes forever
The rest of the day: same as the morning :D
It would be either all Smashing Pumpkins songs, or a mix of several indie bands that I used to see on 120 Minutes.

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