You're being disingenuous Daniel. Djinx is referring to me, and me alone. After an exchange in another thread he zipped over and started this one. Let's be real here. He doesn't want me to post my opinion on certain aspects of TKD if it doesn't agree with his own. Simple as that. He, and you and a couple of others have several choices; discuss the topic unemotionally and either agree or disagree OR argue back and forth about stuff that isn't on-topic page after page or better yet see if you can post a zinger to try and discredit me. Your choice is apparent. Rather than simply say, "Dave, I just don't agree with you on this point" you and others have chosen to got the route of, "you don't know what you're talking about/you have no experience/you're an outsider that shouldn't be posting here/go away you're not allowed in our playground".
And then you bring up 'little gems' as an attempt to 'get me' and drop them into the thread like the link you posted. As I said there, link all you like. It is all you can do rather than dispassionately discuss a point of disagreement. That link doesn't bother me. The bits that were inaccurate I corrected in the same thread, such as I've been banned from different BBS. I've never been banned on any board. The guy that was hounding me was the one that was banned from this board and most of the other major boards because he was doing the same think to other people. That is a verifiable fact on both accounts. Hey, there is a thread on bullshido about me as well Daniel, drop that into a thread. Make sure you leave out the fact that I was never a part of that thread, because I was never a member of that board. Leave out the fact that it was started by the same guy that was bounced out of here and other boards. Leave out the fact one photo was photo shopped. Leave out the fact that he made all the stuff up or changed details to try and discredit me. Leave out the fact the guy never met me or knows anything about me. Just post the link cause it may make me look bad. That way you score a point in the argument.
As for me, I'm getting off the crazy train. I'm tired of you guys taking threads off course for endless pages because your nose is out of joint or your tender sensibilities are offended. I'm not going to respond and cause the mods grief. I'm going to post what I feel is valid and valuable to the best of my abilities. I'm not going to respond to the jabs any further. Feel free to zing me in anyway that makes you feel better. Just make sure you can defend it from a legal standpoint. Take the hint, nuff said.