If you are not tkd....

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No offense, but it kind of seems like you're looking for offense if you think that it's rude.

He said, 'question to the masses,' meaning to anyone happening to read it, followed by, 'if you are...'

How is that painting everyone the same?

Again, I think that his point is valid and the request a reasonable one.

Example A:

All TKD sucks. Why because I sparred one guy and I beat him. They do not learn Elbows until rank X and we learn it at rank A.
Yes this might be the bottom of the slope, but when you paint in broad strokes you get broad replies.

Personally I know those who have trained and do train TKD. I have no issues with the system(s). It is not for me, but then I ride a Cruiser while other ride a Sport Bike. Personal Preference.

If you have an issue report it.
At some point, there will be so many subsections on this site that everyone will have his or her own virtual room with no one to talk to anymore.

I just don't see what the big deal is. If someone is trolling, there are already rules against that. Just report the post and move on. It's when people report the post AND add fuel to the fire that things get out of control. Not just in this forum, but in other areas of the site, as well.

And for the record, I hold no rank in TKD... just in case anyone wants to know my credentials. I do, however, really enjoy reading the threads. Well, most of them, anyway. :)

Oh, sorry. Your post will now be ignored.


But there seems to be so much out there about you it makes me wonder, WHY? at what point does some part of it have to be true? How long are we supposed to say "Poor You" and ignore pages upon pages that seem to be reflected in the same stuff you post here?

I'll provide a perfect example to your question that you yourself provided. You made a public comment in another thread that my instructor got his HKD rank at a weekend seminar. This statement is a complete fabrication on your part. To be blunt, you lied through your teeth. You don't know my instructor. You don't know his training background in HKD. He was not the topic of conversation. He isn't a member of the board. Yet, you felt it perfectly fine to make a post containing false information on something you don't know anything about. All in a pathetic attempt to 'out me'. All because we don't agree on a point of discussion or I don't bow to what you think I should post.

So no, it isn't poor me at all. But I seem to attract people of your kind like a magnet because I have an opinion and I'm willing to share that opinion and stand behind that opinion. And when it doesn't go your way, instead of politely disagreeing and moving on, you'll try to dig something up or make something up which I then have to spend time that it was wrong in the first place. Such is the content of certain threads on me. I covered all this with Jeremy on another board, apparently to his satisfaction. But just as an example, I was 'outed as a fraud' on this very board by a former banned member because I stated I don't hang my cert up on the wall of my school. He went to my website and posted a picture of me doing a wrist takedown on a student and in the background there was stuff on the wall and a trophy. So thus I was now outed cause I lied. So I had to take the time and go back and blow up the photo so that the 'stuff' was clearly visible. They were as follows; an autographed picture of Col. Oliver North, racing car photos and a trophy with a race car on top. Why? Because at that time I taught at the F.O.P. lodge in the upstairs loft. The F.O.P. lodge had a race car in the local speedway race that won, thus the trophy. Col. North visited the lodge, thus his picture. So in effect, all that stuff belonged to the lodge, had nothing to do with me and was merely hanging on the wall behind the picture we took. All of this because I dared correct this person when he stated that Uechi Kanbun Sensei brought back three kata from China and not four as he had stated. Because I did this I got on his hit list and had to constantly defend myself from him....just as I am doing now.

Let the reader decide for themselves if I am or am not what I state I am. I'm available via PM if anyone has any questions as well...cause I've got nothing to hide.
Tell you what - as a KMAist who doesn't practice TKD, threads like this certainly don't sell me on the art.
Yet -another- KMA thread locked pending staff review.

At the rate we're going, it might be more efficient to just have them set to auto-lock after 2 days.
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